These findings suggest that poor mental flexibility affects the ability to maintain steady balance contributing to increased risk of falls in older people. Acute effects of moderate aerobic exercise on specific aspects of executive function in different age and fitness groups: a meta-analysis. Activation of the dorsolateral PFC has been shown during resolution of interference of irrelevant task sets. Neurol. Psychiatry Investig. Therefore, a failure in cognitive functioning could also lead to impaired balance and subsequent falls in older adults. Maja Bergman, Merle A. Keitel, in Navigating Life Transitions for Meaning, 2020Psychological flexibility and functional coherence Psychological flexibility is the ability to respond to stimuli in a manner that is functional given a particular context, and that is congruent … Sci. Psychol. Flexibility is more a willingness to “meet others halfway” procedurally,” according to a new column in Forbes. J. Optom. First codified by the sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras around 400 C.E, the practice was in fact handed down from teacher to student long before this text arose. 18, 719–725. Cognitive flexibility has been more broadly described as the ability to adjust one's thinking from old situations to new situations as well as the ability to overcome responses or thinking that have become habitual and adapt to new situations. Sci. Consistent with previous findings, poor balance was associated with an increased risk of falling (Piirtola and Era, 2006; Deandrea et al., 2010). Educators involved in this study ultimately opted to implement the cognitive skills training techniques instead of the district-developed curriculum. [1] Cognitive flexibility is usually described as one of the executive functions. 16, 193–199. Gait Posture 14, 211–216. What’s also important about these two qualities is that they are among the eight skills leaders will need in the future workplace, according to the article. Meaning of Cognitive flexibility. However, with decreasing balance status, fallers had greater difficulties to implicitly understand the first rule (red). Sports Med. Regions associated with cognitive flexibility such as the PFC and PC atrophy, or shrink, with age, but also show greater task-related activation in older individuals when compared to younger individuals. The following inclusion criteria were applied: (1) aged 70 years and older; (2) ambulant with or without walking aids; and (3) able to step without assistance (step size 25–30 cm). It is calculated by subtracting the mean RT of all congruent flanking conditions, summed across cue types, from the mean RT of incongruent flanking conditions (Fan et al., 2002). The sample was split into tertiles: good balance (62 to 146 mm, N = 71), fair balance (147 to 209 mm, N = 72), and poor balance (>210 mm, N = 69). A., Fairhall, N., Paul, S. S., Tiedemann, A., Whitney, J., et al. Findings from a 12 week pilot study. The most widely used example of hypertext is the Internet, which dynamically presents information in terms of interconnection (e.g. Sample characteristics were compared using Analyses of Variance (ANOVAs) and chi squared tests. Dual-task effects of spontaneous speech and executive function on gait in aging: exaggerated effects in slow walkers. Osteoporos. Components of postural dyscontrol in the elderly: a review. Participants were asked to stand on the two stance panels. 46, 58–64. Visual impairment and falls in older adults: the Blue Mountains Eye Study. 46, 266–274. Stance and target panels were displayed on the screen. Common and unique components of response inhibition revealed by fMRI. The effect of auditory stressors on cognitive flexibility. Potential effect modification by WCST performance was determined using interaction terms. [6] Several studies using task switching paradigms have demonstrated the complexities of the network involved in cognitive flexibility. (2013). Impaired response selection during stepping predicts falls in older people-a cohort study. Gerontology 52, 1–16. Cognitive flexibility (also referred to as “shifting”) refers to our ability to switch between different mental sets, tasks, or strategies (Diamond, 2013; Miyake & Friedman, 2012). Indeed, findings from the current study demonstrate that non-fallers react faster in a complex stepping task (Schoene et al., 2017). Mental flexibility can be defined as a way of thinking – an atitude. A WCST short form (64 trials) was computer-administered using a freely available and validated software tool [The Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL), version 0.141] (Piper et al., 2012; Fox et al., 2013). The relevance of situation awareness in older adults’ cognitive functioning: a review. [9][12], The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) is used to determine an individual's competence in abstract reasoning, and the ability to change problem-solving strategies when needed. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040588, Lamb, S. E., Jorstad-Stein, E. C., Hauer, K., and Becker, C. (2005). The editor and reviewers' affiliations are the latest provided on their Loop research profiles and may not reflect their situation at the time of review. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Reduced mental flexibility may compromise the ability to use feedback from the body and environment to modulate center of mass displacement required to respond appropriately to internal or external changes. The ANT combines cued reaction time and flanker tasks and requires participants to signal by button press whether a central arrow points left or right (Fan et al., 2002). Cognitive flexibility has been described as the mental ability to switch between thinking about two different concepts, and to think about multiple concepts simultaneously. The mean number of falls for the good balance group was 0.65 (SD 1.17), for the fair balance group 1.01 (1.63) and for the poor balance group 1.74 (SD 3.92). Bernard-Demanze, L., Dumitrescu, M., Jimeno, P., Borel, L., and Lacour, M. (2009). [3] Thus, with tasks ranging from simple to more complex, research suggests that there is a developmental continuum that spans from infancy to adulthood. As expected, sway paths differed among the three balance groups in univariate analysis [F(2,209) = 100.695, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.491]. Cognitive influences in postural control of patients with unilateral vestibular loss. Examining the relationship between specific cognitive processes and falls risk in older adults: a systematic review. People that experienced at least one fall in the follow-up period were classified as fallers. Here’s how you can increase your mental flexibility. This is not surprising as balance depends on multiple sensory, motor, and cognitive functions. Psychiatry 25, 397–406. Between- and within-individual effects of visual contrast sensitivity on perceptual matching, processing speed, and associative memory in older adults. Soc. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096547. It is important to remember however, that there are a very wide range of causes of disability: some individuals may have high physical health and healthcare needs, and others may experience a very high standard of physical health. Risacher et al. Lord, S. R., and Fitzpatrick, R. C. (2001). both color and kind of object). [9] According to this definition, when sorting cards based on specific rules, children are considered cognitively flexible if they can sort cards based on the color of the objects and type of objects on the card simultaneously. SL acknowledges the physiological profile assessment (NeuRA FallScreen) is commercially available through Neuroscience Research Australia. J. All participants gave written informed consent prior to data collection. Mental flexibility is a trait that helps you adjust to new circumstances, deal with different kinds of people and build better relationships. J. Gerontol. Age Ageing 35(Suppl. Impact Factor 4.362 | CiteScore 6.3More on impact ›, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States. (2013). Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) research has shown that specific brain regions are activated when a person engages in cognitive flexibility tasks. doi: 10.1159/000090958, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Anstey, K. J., Wood, J., Kerr, G., Caldwell, H., and Lord, S. R. (2009). Fitness is the condition of being physically fit and healthy and involves attributes that include, but are not limited to mental acuity, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, and flexibility. Univariate and multiple negative binomial regression analyses (with individual follow-up time in months used as offset variable) were applied to determine the associations between balance as categorical variable (tertiles; good balance as reference category) and WCST and fall rate (number of falls; capped at 10 falls). Dir. Behav. The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:, Anstey, K. J., Butterworth, P., Borzycki, M., and Andrews, S. (2006). (2008). Clin. 4 Disability may also be primarily mental health related e.g. 51, 1750–1758. Consistent with previous reports (Lord et al., 1991; Ivers et al., 1998; de Boer et al., 2004), we found contrast sensitivity was associated with falling. What Is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy? Leaders who have cognitive flexibility are able to incorporate different thinking strategies and mental frameworks into their planning, decision-making, and management of day-to-day work. Regardless of the specificity of the definition, researchers have generally agreed that cognitive flexibility is a component of executive functioning, higher-order cognition involving the ability to control one's thinking. In a flexible workplace, the needs of both employee and employer are met. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Aging Phys. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2014.881746, Cardoso-Leite, P., and Bavelier, D. (2014). Rev. B Psychol. A study examining the impact of cognitive intervention for at-risk children in preschool classrooms found that children who received such intervention for one to two years significantly outperformed their peers. A trend for significance was observed for the ability to resolve conflict (inhibition-ANT executive network), with individuals in the fair balance group being better than those in the poor balance group (p = 0.025). The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Studies suggest that aerobic exercise and training can have plasticity inducing effects that could potentially serve as an intervention in old age that combat the decline in executive function.[33]. Cognitive flexibility varies during the lifespan of an individual. J. Gerontol. yellow animals, yellow foods, blue animals and blue foods). We found a trend that the performance in this task was associated with balance, indicating the relevance of inhibitory processes on balance control. 8, 221–226. Arch. Curr. The effect of interactive cognitive-motor training in reducing fall risk in older people: a systematic review. Call of Duty, Battlefield) exhibited greater "mental flexibility" on a series of measures than did non-gamers. Flexibility is a personality trait that describes the extent to which a person can cope with changes in circumstances and think about problems and tasks in novel, creative ways. A Biol. A Biol. Impaired executive functions, especially inhibition, have been identified as risk factors for falls in several studies. [22] Another study further extended these results by demonstrating that the level of abstractness of the switch type influenced recruitment of differing regions in the PFC depending on whether the participant was asked to make a cognitive set switch, a response switch, or a stimulus or perceptual switch. Notice from this description that psychological flexibility does not prescribe one’s attempts to escape or avoid their most painful experiences but instead is an invitation to experience them with an aim to live a meaningful life. (2017). However, five-year-old children are able to sort cards based on one dimension and can then switch to sorting cards on a second dimension. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Postural orientation and equilibrium: what do we need to know about neural control of balance to prevent falls? Sci. Confirming our first hypothesis, we found that people in different balance tertiles also differed in their concept formation ability. Specifically, the poor balance group required more than three additional trials to shift the first mental set demonstrating an impaired ability to implicitly learn a rule. Neuropsychol. See more. Our study confirms previous findings that balance is associated with higher order cognitive functions and shows older people with both impaired balance and reduced mental flexibility are at a substantially increased risk of falling. The term transgender encompasses the many ways your gender identity can differ from the sex you were assigned at birth. All participants gave written informed consent prior to data collection. The first goal Tottenham conceded was considered to be a controversial decision from the referees, specifically those responsible for VAR on the day. B. Res. Confounder selection in environmental epidemiology: assessment of health effects of prenatal mercury exposure. Sci. Dement. Concept formation ability as measured by the number of trials needed to shift first set during the short version of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) according to balance (sway tertiles) and faller status (one or more falls). Age-related changes of postural control: effect of cognitive tasks. Gait Posture 33, 233–237. [32] This increase in blood flow is potentially related to the evidence that atrophy heightens blood flow and metabolism, which is measured as the BOLD response, or blood-oxygen-level dependence, with fMRI. Gregory, M. A., Gill, D. P., and Petrella, R. J. Table 3. However, whenever required or wished individualized breaks were taken in between tests. Workplace flexibility emphasizes the willingness and ability to adapt to change, particularly regarding how and when work gets done. This device has demonstrated reliability and validity for measuring sway under multiple sensory conditions (Sturnieks et al., 2011). Shumway-Cook, A., and Woollacott, M. (2000). Healthy mind in healthy body? To record the number of comorbidities we used the Functional Comorbidity Index for which participants are required to report whether they had one or more of 18 chronic conditions and from which a sum score was calculated (Groll et al., 2005). doi: 10.1006/cogp.1999.0734, Mostofsky, S. H., and Simmonds, D. J. Aging 33, 1690–1698. Evaluation of a virtual reality prospective memory task for use with individuals with severe traumatic brain injury. A synthesized research definition of cognitive flexibility is a switch in thinking, whether that is specifically based on a switch in rules or broadly based on a need to switch one's previous beliefs or thoughts to new situations. Am. Our findings suggest the incorporation of implicit learning tasks in interventions for older people may be beneficial to improve balance and reduce fall risk. Methods 44, 110–123. Phys. Smith-Ray, R. L., Hughes, S. L., Prohaska, T. R., Little, D. M., Jurivich, D. A., and Hedeker, D. (2015). Hypertext documents, therefore, include nodes – bits of information – and links, the pathways between these nodes. Epidemiol. The Stroop test is used in neuropsychological evaluations to measure mental vitality and flexibility, since performing well requires strong attention and self-regulation capability. Neuroimage 27, 323–340. Some leading authorities will define the same term in a different way. Neuropsychology 23, 500–508. It is for this reason that Kashdan and Rotterburg (2010) define psychological flexibility as the measure of how a person: (1) adapts to fluctuating situational demands, (2) reconfigures mental resources, (3) shifts perspective, and (4) doi: 10.1016/s0966-6362(01)00144-8, Redfern, M. S., Jennings, J. R., Mendelson, D., and Nebes, R. D. (2009). [2] Neuropsychol. However, the role of mental flexibility in balance in older people remains unclear. (2013) found contrast sensitivity became progressively worse in older people classified into healthy control, subjective cognitive complaints, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease groups. Latent structure of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: a confirmatory factor analytic study. Falls were monitored prospectively over 12 months with daily falls calendars that were sent back monthly using pre-paid envelopes. 23, 329–342. Information and translations of Cognitive flexibility in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions Set for fall injury prevention trials: the effect of cognitive flexibility is trait. Postural orientation and equilibrium: what do we need to know about neural control of patients with dementia of stratified. Measure of falls among older adults step without assistance, had no in! 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