You don’t find any, of them, any worse than someone, who drives a car. But by the same measure, critics say, her family’s intrusion on Native American lands, particularly in “Little House on the Prairie,” represented a whole period of … The very thought of Indians made her blood run cold. The Ingalls family is a model of mutual respect and affection. I enjoyed it vry much. I never read racism into the words, but I also knew, even at my young age, that times were different in Laura’s day. I am glad I wasn’t born in those days! Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. And yes, while there is more cultural and political sensitivity today, it does us no good to compare the mores of the 19th century to those of the 21st. I am now 72. She was not racist. © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti”, 2005–2021. It held the myriad of emotions and feelings that anyone of any age in time feels when we encounter difference in race and culture. Other worthwhile books are Through Dakota Eyes: Narrative Accounts of the Minnesota Indian War of 1862 edited by Gary Clayton Anderson and Alan R. Woolworth and Over the Earth I Come: The Great Sioux Uprising of 1862 by Duane P. Schultz. These books should be read, shared, discussed now and with future generations. That is not to say that Wilder didn’t do her research as she wrote her books. Nice refuge from parents who fought all the time. This series featured characters and places from the book series, but took drastic creative liberty with the story telling (as should be expected from a television show). In late 1862 during the Civil War, many men left their families in Minnesota to fight in the war. This episode was, and always will be, the most talked about episode of Little House on the Prairie. This article made me question why I had never questioned the reason the Ingalls Family settled on land that didn’t belong to them, even when I was a child and didn’t have a great knowledge of history. In order for readers to understand Ma, you need to understand where she was coming from. Most act on the belief that they have the moral superiority. The episode I was watching was about “ their Indian friend” A three generation family in Walnut Grove with a grandson is half Native American It’s not my place to judge or justify them…but rather, to understand them from their perspective, to learn from them and mostly to enjoy the stories. To punish Laura Ingalls Wilder for not keeping within the standards of acceptability in 2020 shows lack of perspective and education. My ancestors are survivors who fled to New Ulm. I am not going to attempt to give a complete history of the Osage people or the sad legacy of the systematic removal of Native Americans by the government of the United States. They sometimes just came and took whatever they wanted. Laura asks Ma, “Why don’t you like Indians, Ma…This is Indian country, isn’t it? It doesn’t stop me from reading the books since I still view them as a perspective made by Laura Ingalls Wilder and she is writing about those times. Imagine you are reading a book that you loved as a child, perhaps you are reading it to your young child, or that you are reading it for the very first time. The chapter about “Little Crow’s War” provides important context to the Dakota uprising in Minnesota. Who knows, in 150 years, maybe 2020 will be considered offensive and unacceptable. However, it seems that the original book series which the show was based on, was banned in a few schools under the claim that it contained some underlying controversial content. The mega-popular book series was famously made into an equally popular TV series by NBC which aired from 1974-1983. Her father was a storyteller and Laura herself said that her first books were an attempt to preserve the stories she grew up hearing. Since I learned that story, I’ve understood Ma’s feelings better and why they make sense given the time in history. Little House on the Prairie controversy has Missouri connection. While one may assume that we’re all going along in 2019, you never know what children are being exposed to at home, as evidenced by our current rise in racially motivated attacks. Her mother read Little House in the Big Woods in second grade and named her second daughter after the beloved author. Do you decry the author as a racist and vow to never read another word? To strip her name off an award because she would be considered racist today is unfair. All rights reserved. Here Albert's bad choice to smoke leads to the death of Mary's baby and Mrs. Garvey. As an adult I have always read the books with a historical perspective and as being a product of their times. In 1868, the Osage were facing dire economic circumstances. They include classic titles and newer works. I don’t care who you are or how mad you can be at someone but killing women and children and babies YES babies, makes it a massacre! Pa is portrayed as being slightly more accepting of the Indians. If we haven’t met, or heard the good things, about a certain race, or someone from While the controversy over Wilder’s work has existed for over 20 years, ‘Little House on the Prairie’ is not the only classic novel that has faced a harsh re-appraisal in modern, politically correct America. For nearly 100 years, the “ Little House ” books (and the subsequent television series) have been cherished by kids and adults around the world. From its first impression, Little House on the Prairie was a very educational show with many lessons that could be learned and talked about. McLemore portrayed Laura Ingalls Wilder for the first time in 1993. Ma saw it as an intrusion by uninvited guests. Little House on the Prairie. What would you say if you knew that these words are found in the beloved book Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder? I never really found any thing really racist in the books. It’s just like people were, and some still are, afraid of those who ride motorcycles. The questions then arise, is this because Wilder is culturally insensitive or is she simply writing from her perspective, having been born in 1867 and writing in the 1930s? Frankly, I love to meet people from other countries, learn their ways, and for the most part, taste “their” food. Although in her novel, Little House on the Prairie, and Pioneer Girl memoir, Ingalls Wilder portrayed their departure as being prompted by rumors of eviction, she also noted that her parents needed to recover their Wisconsin land because the buyer had not paid the … As a child, Wilder survived a cloud of 3.5 trillion locusts. Unfortunately, in a rush to complete her chores, Ma accidentally scratches her leg on some baling wire. Because, of what they read, and heard about “The Hell’s Angels”. Reading them for the first time in years I am once again reminded of the fact that 2019 is vastly different than the 1880s. But in the 1970s, the debate about the books’ intentions was far in the future. In 2017, a school district in Mississippi decided to pull Harper Lee’s 1960 Pulitzer Prize-winning ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ from its curriculum. Laurapalooza 2012. Whatever a massacre was, it was something that grown-ups would not talk about when little girls were listening.”. If my son chooses to read the books one day, I hope he’ll do so with a critical mind, considering himself an ally to those whose stories history textbooks have attempted to erase. Albert's addiction to morphine ), leukemia , child abuse, and even rape. You may also be interested in an entertaining and educational documentary film about Laura Ingalls Wilder, which is appropriate for all ages. These kinds of questions will help children understand the historical perspective and that right or wrong, people have their own belief systems, then and now. I never thought her remarks about the Indians were “racist” as I was seeing them through the eyes of another naive 8 or 9 year old girl. Controversy: The board voted unanimously to remove Wilder's name at their annual meeting over the weekend due to her anti-black and anti-Native writings (the … However, like the books, that series hasn’t aged well. Wilder mentions the “Minnesota Massacre” in her account of Mrs. Scott’s hatred for the Osage: “The only good Indian was a dead Indian. We don’t all think alike, nor do we always agree with others’ views of our world. The American Civil Liberties Union at one point got involved, and threatened the school board with a lawsuit. My conclusion is that Australia has its own entrenched history of displacing indigenous (Aboriginal) people that by the time I read the books when I was about 8 years old I just never questioned it. How would they tell the story to someone else? The newspapers were full of graphic accounts of what was then referred to as the “Minnesota Massacre.” Undoubtedly Ma had read these accounts. Historical Perspective or Racism in Little House on the Prairie. I’m not a writer so thanks for finally explaining it so simply. These things should not be swept under the rug or ignored. While the book – which deals with the heavy issues of rape and racial injustice in the deep south – condemns the mistreatment of African Americans, the school board said that the book’s language made students uncomfortable. They could not know because Washington was so far away.” Pa was most likely betting that the government would allow squatters to claim homesteads once the Osage were removed. The Little House books promote a racist and white-centered understanding of westward expansion. I have read them so many times! If we do not know the true history of our nation’s/culture’s past, how can we prevent ourselves from making the same mistakes? Although the land that Pa chose was obviously next to a well-used trail, he preferred to think of the land as unsettled. Autres temps, autres mœurs. We recommend reading Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West by Dee Brown. When I read historical fiction and non-fiction, I am enjoying a journey on a time machine. He moved his family first to Chariton County, Missouri and then on to Montgomery County, Kansas in late 1868 or early 1869. Laura says “They drove away and left it lonely and empty in the clearing…They were going to Indian country.” But, they didn’t go there directly. They were part of an illegal rush of settlers into the Osage Diminished Reserve commonly called Indian Territory. Congress refused to ratify the Sturgis Treaty, fearing a backlash from their constituents who favored free settlement of the land under the Homestead Act of 1862. I think they are jaded by how very tough pioneer life was. “Little House on the Prairie” star Alison Arngrim says competition between her, Melissa Gilbert and Melissa Sue was so high that she is amazed they “didn’t kill each other.” Whether Pa knew this or not is open for debate, but it is highly unlikely that he would have been ignorant of this fact. All rights reserved. I began reading the Little House books when I was 9-10 years old. The DVD contains an interesting bonus featurette about Native Americans and African Americans on the prairie. We invite you to visit our Recommended Reading section to find books for children and young adults and for adults. The difference is far too vast, and in the end, we are all products of our time. As an adult I cringe when I read the books but I have to remind myself that society has made progress and I’ve grown as a person to recognize racism. The novels’ portrayal of black people and native Americans may have been accepted in the 1930s, but are now “not universally embraced,” said the association. LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE® and associated character names, designs, images and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks owned and licensed by Friendly Family Productions, LLC. When my two are older I will read them the books at night. As of now, she has won the TP de Oro award and Bronze Wrangler awards for her role in Little House on the Prairie. How can we help children develop an understanding of the historical perspective in Little House on the Prairie? Little House explored many different themes including frequently portrayed ones of adoption, alcoholism, faith, poverty, blindness, and prejudice of all types, including racism. ... Award Controversy. He freely cut logs to build a house, hunted wild game for food and furs, dug a well and broke the land for farming. When we get to a spot where things get politically incorrect I just say, “People didn’t know it wasn’t nice to say those things back then.” My kids barely blink. When I was a child it did not occur to me that the books were racist since she was repeating what she heard or remembered hearing as a way of preserving the stories. Liberal use of the ‘N word’ saw Mark Twain’s ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ banned in a Philadelphia high school in 2015. I cannot imagine traveling across country by wagon! As Amy Fatzinger writes in her dissertation Indians in the House, Wilder raises “a great issue that was still problematic in the 1930s, when Little House on the Prairie was written and remains so today: the Euro-American preemption of lands occupied by Native Americans.” And, Wilder uses the voice of 7-year-old Laura to do so. June 28, 2018. Banned. An educator since 1983, Laura McLemore was destined to a lifelong love of Laura Ingalls Wilder. The Sioux Uprising or Dakota Wars resulted in the looting and burning of homesteads and the killing of white settlers in the area, including women and children. Excellent work! Open dialogues should be part of book discussions with children, always encouraging them to share their questions and views. I have their handwritten marriage certificate from 1860 in Brown County. I grew up reading the books and I still read them since it offers a glimpse into a world that we just can’t experience. Here’s some information that will put things in perspective as you read. Only Indians lived there.' Copyright © 2015-2020 Friendly Family Productions, LLC Contributors | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Licensing | Newsletters. I’m glad this is being used as a teaching resource to help kids understand cultural differences and conflicts and be more open minded. In the fall, I teach The Birchbark House, by Louise Erdrich. Some plots also include subjects such as drug addiction (e.g. The kids act racist in school One line in particular, “the only good Indian is a dead Indian” left the third-grader distraught. In Little House on the Prairie Ma tells Laura that “Pa had word from a man in Washington that the Indian Territory would be open to a settlement soon. Thank You! Required fields are marked *. Times change. Note: There was also a popular and long-running television series based on the "Little House" books titled Little House on the Prairie that aired from 1974 - 1982. It is appropriate to call it that because that’s what it was. The Ingles family welcome and embrace the native boy and his mother with open arms Additionally, it is helpful to point out that Wilder presents a more favorable point of view using Pa as a counterpoint. I find it appalling that people fail to understand cultural relativism and how it may be used to better understand history and the interaction of cultures. I’m privileged to call you my friend and fellow teacher. Is Little House on the Prairie truly racist? I would strongly recommend that you get your hands on a copy of “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown and read the chapter on “Little Crow’s War” for a better understanding of the Dakota uprising in Minnesota. Interesting article. The Treaty of 1825 established the Osage Diminished Reserve, a section of land about 50 miles wide and 125 miles long in what is now south-central and southeast Kansas. When Ma expresses concern about the Indians being so near, Pa comforts her by saying “They are perfectly friendly’…He often met Indians in the woods where he was hunting. The ALSC drew attention to Wilder’s ‘Little House on the Prairie’ novels, which it said include “expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent with ALSC's core values." I teach it in the spring. Photo Credit: Getty Images: Bettmann/ Contributor *This piece was originally published on February 15th, 2019. Discuss how it would feel to have strangers walk into their home uninvited and take whatever they wanted. Don’t make it a big thing and it won’t be. We may feel today, given our 21st-century sensitivity, that Ma was wrong to fear the Osage or that Mr. and Mrs. Scott were racist. Yes, times have changed, and attitudes for the most part have changed, but one should never try to change history and what life was like back then. Very good insight to these books. Books: Little House series fanfiction archive with over 166 stories. That said, there are certainly things in the book that have been an issue for many, many years. I agree with them completely. I’m a long-time Little House fan from Australia. Read RT Privacy policy to find out more. While the controversy over Wilder’s work has existed for over 20 years, ‘Little House on the Prairie’ is not the only classic novel that has faced a … In a relative sense, there are few heros and villains. I when I was reading “Little House on the Prairie ” for the first time as a young girl about 22 years ago, I was concerned about Ma’s prejudices. When you think of Little House on the Prairie, you normally wouldn’t think of Missouri or racism. NBCU Photo Bank/ Getty Whoa now. The word ‘n**ger’ is used 48 times in the novel, as Lee sought to convey the social attitudes of the time. The Osage saw it as collecting rent. My mother read them to me when I was a child. From the perspective of the white settlers, I am sure it did seem like a massacre. Your email address will not be published. To be honest, the show never did shy away from controversy. Under the provisions of earlier treaties, the Osage had the right to charge squatters rent if they wanted to. We cannot forget these books were written in a time where this was the norm. And of course every treaty the U.S. Government made with Native Americans was never upheld. The grandfather is racist the mother was a missionary who fell in love with a native Only Indians lived there.” As did all of the settlers, Pa chose to ignore the fact that the land and everything on it belonged to the Osage people. Little House on the Prairie begins with the Ingalls family leaving their little house in Wisconsin. In recent years the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder have been accused of being culturally insensitive and even racist, particularly Little House on the Prairie. This is the second year I’ve taught Little House on the Prairie in my 5th grade class and it has opened up some very frank and meaningful conversations about prejudice, racism, and historical context. These are just a few of the more notable depictions of corporal punishment on the small screen. I already knew that was just what had happened. In an article with the jarring title “Little Squatter on the Osage Diminished Reserve”, Francis Kaye states “Wilder, writing as honestly as she knew how, spun a tale that, because of her very decency, makes ‘ethnic cleansing’ appear palatable.” One last observation, I took from Laura’s books that she portrayed or tried to portray first nations with dignity and provided positive examples, such as the Long Winter and how an elder tried to help the townspeople by warning of the impending winter. This is how we develop our viewpoints. Laura, as an adult, ran for Tax Collector and lost. This book is considered off limits now because of its treatment of American Indians (the Osage figure prominently in the story). Ask if people have an unjustified fear of other races today. When I was 8-9 in the ’70’s, my mom read the books to me, and I re-read them many times myself. We understand now that it was wrong. Fear, is in the mind, caused by the “unknown”. Karen Grassle: Rumors and Controversy/Scandal. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West, Through Dakota Eyes: Narrative Accounts of the Minnesota Indian War of 1862, Over the Earth I Come: The Great Sioux Uprising of 1862, documentary film about Laura Ingalls Wilder. Wilder depicted Native people as curiosities or even as subhuman, as when she notes, in Little House on the Prairie, that 'there were no people. News of the impending opening of Indian Territory reached land-hungry settlers back east and caused an illegal land rush into the area. As a result, some of her writing isn’t accurate. And of course, she was writing historical fiction, not an autobiography. But, to understand Laura’s story, we must understand the history behind the story. And , let’s not forget that there was a black woman in Little House on the Prairie as well (again I am referring to the TV show not the books) she was either a schoolteacher or a helper at NELLY’s restaurant I forgot which but she was well respected and loved in the show Maxine Waters calls on restaurants, gas stations to boo Trump admin. Little House on the Prairie was first published in 1935, but it wasn’t until 1952 that a concerned parent wrote to the publisher to take issue with a … Parents need to know that Little House on the Prairie is set on the American frontier in the late 19th century, so aspects of daily life may seem foreign to younger viewers who lack historical understanding. The Indians in the area saw this as an opportunity to retake land that they felt belonged to them. Try :Through Dakota Eyes: Narrative Accounts of the Minnesota Indian War of 1862 by Gary Clayton Anderson (Editor), Alan R. Woolworth (Editor), or “Over the Earth I Come: The Great Sioux Uprising of 1862” by Duane P. Schultz. Before we begin to read the book in my classroom I take a few moments to talk about Wilder’s real life and the historical accuracy of her books. Now the legendary author who wrote those books has had her name stripped from a major children’s book award. From the perspective of the Indians, I’m sure it seemed like a righteous resistance. To this day it makes me sad that Native Americans were forced onto reservations where they were basically starved, cheated and forced to give up their traditions, native tongues. Stretched to their limits, local militias were unable to protect their communities. It began graying when the actor was still in his 20s, so he relied on over-the-counter dye to cover it up himself. This story held no intention of racism. Reading Little House on the Prairie with children today requires explanation. The Association of Library Service to Children (ALSC) voted on Saturday to rename the ‘Laura Ingalls Wilder Award’ to the ‘Children’s Literature Legacy Award’, a decision that was apparently welcomed with a standing ovation from board members. Very interesting article! We have a book on great white sharks from my childhood. Obviously, she was cast as older than that in both Little House in the Big Woods and Little House on the Prairie. December 7, 2018 By Laura McLemore This may contain affiliate links and we may receive a small commission on purchases. Editor Rose Wilder Lane an illegal land rush into the area years, maybe will... Than anything thought of Indians coming to the United States and signed the Sturgis Treaty little house on the prairie controversy made a sound., many years about the 1862 Sioux uprising and how it relates to Little House on Prairie! 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