Liste complète des options sur la page du projet : API Nativefier It took me a while to figure out how to do that and question why a .icns file was not simply provided in the downloaded archive. Prevents the application from preserving cache between launches. This is pretty common, as certificates all have to expire at some point. This release includes several contributor patches. Instead of opening in an external browser, attempts to navigate to external URLs will be blocked, and an error message will be shown. Use a Widevine-enabled version of Electron for DRM playback, see Gmail). Nativefier is a command line tool that allows you to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. Not exactly trivial. lean, stable, future-proof, user-friendly and dev-friendly, Nativefier uses the Chrome browser (through Electron), and remaining on an old version is A. performance sub-optimal and B. dangerous. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be "" which could put your confidential information at risk." Contribute to jiahaog/nativefier development by creating an account on GitHub. Így nézzen ki valahogy: Since Nativefier has little breaking changes, it was great: as Electron Except now, as I have a breaking change, which would bump Nativefier to a JSON string of key/value pairs of application metadata (ProductName, InternalName, FileDescription) to embed into the executable (Windows only). X location of the packaged application window. You signed in with another tab or window. Provided by Electron and (so far) no available for Windows/Linux, contributions welcome. By default, Nativefier uses a preset user agent string for your OS and masquerades as a regular Google Chrome browser, so that sites like WhatsApp Web will not say that the current browser is unsupported. nativefier --name "Ez a program neve" --insecure --ignore-certificate index.html Ha végzett, akkor a keletkezett mappába másold be az index.html, egyéb HTML, CSS, Javascript, stb. Set the user agent to run the created app with. If not, are there any chance this might get added? Maximum width of the packaged application, default is no limit. Also, some past practices now seem weird, as better expressible Fix sites that use about:blank redirect technique (PR #623), Always open external links externally (fix #621 - PRs #622 #624), Only override the default window opening behavior when necessary (fix #616 - PR #620). Take note that if this flag is specified, the --insecure flag will be added automatically, to prevent the Mixed Content errors on sites such as La certification est une procédure destinée à faire valider par un organisme indépendant le respect du cahier des charges d'une organisation par une entreprise. while not changing the CLI/programmatic interfaces. Fix #547 - Default to Electron 2.0.2 (including Chrome 61, Node 8.9.3, V8 6.1.534.41, GTK3 on Linux) (PR #587), Fix Gmail complaining window creation was prevented by a popup blocker (PR #603), Fix #94, Fix #575 - Fix run-time crash due to insufficient permissions (PR #581), Fix #574 - Allow build to continue if icon conversion fails (PR#585), Fix #199 - On macOS, perform image conversion tasks using, Fix #95, Fix #384 - Add cut/copy/paste context menu entries, using, Fix #474 - Remember custom zoom level (PR #582), Fix #590, Fix #439 - Ensure children windows have the same behavior as the mainWindow (PR #591), Default to latest stable electron 1.8.6 and update dependencies (electron-packager), Fix #549: Add --always-on-top build flag (PR #551), Update deps, default to Electron 1.8.4 stable, Support Mac App Store (--mas) builds (PR #532), Fix #499: Add options to control file download behavior (PR #526), Fix #325 - Add --x and --y window position flags (PR #515), Fix #480 - Move all console. See changelog for 7.6.5. Then select the icon in the top left corner of the info window and press ⌘-C. Open Preview and press File > New from clipboard and save the .icns file. For example, if you are using Nativefier to ship a kiosk app exposing an internal site (over which you have control). But no, we have no JRE support, and with the direction taken by the web (as you mention: even Chrome itself, which Nativefier depends on, it actively going against it), we don't plan to add any. Just over 24 hours ago, a couple of root certificates used to sign SSL certificates have expired. (#923, maybe #924), Attempt to fix failing to install due to app yarn install (#923) Register global shortcuts which will trigger input events like key presses or pointer events in the application. All other phones I've had, had a little checkbox, saying "Ignore certificate error", or something like that. If this flag is passed, it will not override the user agent. (macOS only) Specifies to quit the app after closing all windows, defaults to false. You may define multiple global shortcuts which can trigger a series of input events. For Linux Users: Do not put spaces if you define the app name yourself with --name, as this will cause problems (tested on Ubuntu 14.04) when pinning a packaged app to the launcher. bigger-than-expected revamp, aiming at making Nativefier more Thanks for the feedback @netconstructor.I understand your use case; a nativefied app with built-in JRE support would be neat to support this old app. Width of the packaged application, defaults to 1280px. [Build Status](]( [! Cloud certificates issued to the user by Azure AD do not have a CRL because they are short-lived certificates with a lifetime of one hour. Also, bumping npm version to something far away from current Electron version. Y location of the packaged application window. It has the following structure: If you want to trigger key events which include a modifier (Ctrl, Shift,...), you need to keyDown the modifier key first, then keyDown the actual key including the modifier key as modifier property and then keyUp both keys again. Specifies if the destination directory should be not overwritten, defaults to false. To retrieve the .icns file from the downloaded file, extract it first and press File > Get Info. You can also specify the path to the Chrome flash plugin directly with this flag. [disable-old-build-warning-yesiknowitisinsecure], PR #744 - Support packaging nativefier applications into Squirrel-based installers,,,,, Electron's BrowserWindow API Documentation, Sets a default zoom factor to be used when the app is opened, defaults to 1.0. See more details at electron's Frameless Window documentation. as little as possible. powershell ssl. Az index.html közvetlenül legyen a mappában (tehát ahol az exe is van), ne legyen almappában! 08/31/2016; 6 minutes to read; In this article Remote Desktop Services uses certificates to sign the communication between two computers. Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the disk cache. Maps to the LegalCopyright metadata property on Windows, and NSHumanReadableCopyright on OS X. the application is started using --tray start-in-tray, the main window will not be shown on first start. Ignore certificate for HttpURLConnection in /** * Disables the SSL certificate checking for new instances of {@link HttpsURLConnection} This has been created to * aid testing on a local box, not for use on production. Object (deprecated as removed in electron-packager 9.0.0, please use the The build version of the application. Internet Explorer helps keep your information more secure by warning about certificate errors. The release version of the application. Disables the warning shown when opening a Nativefier app made a long time ago, using an old and probably insecure Electron. releases are breaking, Nativefier had no breaking changes, I bumped our By default, IgnoreNoRevocationCheck is set to 0 (disabled). Makes the packaged app start in full screen. On distingue trois grandes catégories de certification : Autrefois, en France, le certificateur était « celui qui affirme qu'une caution présentée est solvable, sans néanmoins se charger … See 8.0.0 news below. Hello!I have to access a HTTPS site with Java+EHS5T via it's IP, not the host name. See PR #744 - Support packaging nativefier applications into Squirrel-based installers. becoming hard to run on recent Node, due to old dependencies. CI nitty-gritty, nothing to see here. @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # Nativefier [! a JSON string of key/value pairs to be set as environment variables before any browser windows are opened. If this flag is passed, it will not override the user agent. * to loglevel. Height of the packaged application, defaults to 800px. Make any web page a desktop application. Specifies if the source code within the nativefied app should be packaged into an archive, defaults to false, read more. If neither are provided, the version of Electron will be used. Rationale for the nonsensical major version bump: around Nativefier 8.x, One of them is vendor lock-in, where you want clients to depend on an installation of your product rather than visit a shared page. (macOS only) Sets the style for the app's title bar. The human-readable copyright line for the app.,,,, Fix arg validation regression in #1080 with, Fix arg validation regression in #1080 (fix #1083), Check for improperly-formatted arguments (fix #885) (PR #1080), Bump default Electron to 11.0.3, bump dep eslint-config-prettier to 7.x, Support using a Widevine-enabled Electron for DRM playback, see flag, Bump default Electron to 10.1.5 (with Chromium 85.0.4183.121) (#1066), Readme: suggest docker "-rm" flag to clean up containers after build (#1064), On successful build, better explain how to run the app and what to do with it (fix #1029), Restore Docker docs in README, now that Docker build-on-release has been fixed (fix #848), Emit TS type declarations, and type NativefierOptions (PR #1016), Emit a warning about incorrectly-named "Electron" process when building windows apps under non-Windows and without Wine (fix #1022), Add unified {build,test} watch mode, using, Fix 'Image could not be created' app error on run (fix #992), Bump docker Node image version from 8 to 12 (#996), Bump default Electron to 9.1.0 and deps (electron-packager, ts-loader), Bump deps (ts-loader, jest, electron-context-menu), Fix notifications (#88, #956), processEnvs, using as git dep (PR #955), Bump default Electron to 8.2.3, and bump app/electron-context-menu to 1.x, App: Back & forward: expose standard shortcuts first & handle mac, 1,009 2 2 gold badges 21 21 silver badges 56 56 bronze badges. This flag automatically enables the --flash flag as well. Automatically determined based on the current OS. Lorsque vous créez un client ou un service sécurisé, vous pouvez utiliser un certificat comme informations d’identification. C'est un processus d'évaluation de la conformité qui aboutit à l'assurance écrite qu'un produit, une organisation ou une personne répond à certaines exigences1. Thanks @sorhtyre @mattruzzi ! Minimum height of the packaged application, defaults to 0. Blocks navigation to any URLs except Google and its subdomains. Can be overwritten by specifying either linux, windows, osx or mas for a Mac App Store specific build. Object (also known as a "hash") of application metadata to embed into the executable: (Note that win32metadata was added to electron-packager in version 8.0.0). Users can press, Implement proper build system with ES6 support to facilitate development, App window now remembers its previous position, Fix #59 Fullscreen goes to a black screen when clicking close, Set window title immediately when the window is created, fixes #54, Implement navigating backward and forward from the application menu, Implement proper notification listeners to change the badge, Refactor main.js into separate files, and put static files such as preload and login.html into, Implement changing of zoom which fixes #17, Implement script to set up dev environment, Fix bug in invalid parameter for link in default browser, App is now precompiled with browserify as a workaround for an extremely annoying npm issue, Override user agent by default, disable with, Implement counter which closes #33, thanks to @jfouchard, Improve automatic retrieval of app name by faking a user agent to make the request, Implement support for http authentication, fixes #19, Implement authentication that requires a new window to be opened (e.g. See the example for MediaPreviousTrack below! Another might … No it doesn't Highlights: Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. If this flag is passed, it will not override the user agent. /* but any buttons inside the header shouldn't be draggable */, /* perhaps move some items out of way for the traffic light */, // Key is passed as first argument to globalShortcut.register, // The input events exactly match the event config in Electron for contents.sendInputEvent(event), // Available event types: mouseDown, mouseUp, mouseEnter, mouseLeave, contextMenu, mouseWheel, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp or char, // Further config depends on your event type. keep old weird (Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+]) shortcuts for backward compat, App: Properly hide Developer Tools when asked by flag (fix #842), Log a helpful error when failing to parse JSON arg (fix #928), Fix failing to global-sudo-install due to postinstall script I would like to simply ignore the invalid certificate and go on with the request, as one can do in Mobile Safari. Ordering an SSL/TLS certificate requires the submission of a CSR and in order to create a CSR a private key has to be created. See Prevents application from being closed from clicking the window close button. So the question then becomes how do you tell HttpWebRequest to ignore certificate errors? See electron-dl for available options. Application will stay as an icon in the system tray. Running this will create an Electron App which opens to the youtube front page. The icon parameter should be a path to a .png file. Increasingly there's a growing need to develop and publish across technological platforms, for many different reasons. Some deep-dives into SSL certificates, turmoil in Open-Source Windows land, performance benchmarks, security tips, … Hope you enjoy it! #### [enable-es3-apis] ```--enable-es3-apis ``` ☕️. Tests cleanups: use async/await, separate e2e tests, mocha -> jest. The term subject refers to a field in the metadata of the certificate as defined in the X.509 standard. Forces the packaged app to ignore certificate errors. progress bar based on package, Fix weirdly platform-dependent folder naming logic (PR #850, issue #708), Fix filter exception when injecting CSS (PR #837), Fix Handle nativefier.json readonly access with options.maximize (PR #856), Fix/app: Application menu support on Electron 5.x (PR #876), Restore login functionality broken since Electron 5.x (PR #826), Squirrel: resolve .quit() issue with missing ../screen (PR #784), Fix crash when launching a second instance using option --single-instance (Fixes #664, PR #772), Prevent menu from opening on Alt+Shift, by defining Alt+... menu shortcuts (PR #768), Support packaging Nativefier applications as, Icon conversion: don't crash if source/destination paths have spaces (PR #736), Fix CSS & JavaScript injection (Fixes #703, Fixes #731, PR #732), Fix CSS injection broken with Electron 3 (PR #709, Fixes #703), Bump default Electron to 3.0.3, based on Chrome 66 / Node 10 / V8 6.6, Show application window on notification click (#640), Update docs: Windows icon requirements (#663), badge option (#693), Bump deps (eslint-config-prettier, eslint-plugin-prettier). -> To keep respecting semver and reduce confusion, bumping Nativefier Why GitHub? Lots of care went into breaking CLI & programmatic behavior Features →. Specifically, the CSS should specify a draggable region. [ignore-certificate]--ignore-certificate semver, whose respect is precisely the point here). Automatically set to the build-time machine architecture... ... or can be overridden by specifying one of: Details about how to create input event objects. However, there are legitimate use cases to disable such a warning. See. Set basic http(s) auth via the command line to have the app automatically log you in to a protected site. When the optional argument start-in-tray is provided, i.e. I can't seem to get WP7.5 to do that. Is there any way to ignore the certificate error? Default: false. The icon parameter should be a path to a .ico file. Nothing new, just a re-push to npm. versions of Nativefier and Electron aligned, by release schedule coincidence. Maps to the FileVersion metadata property on Windows, and CFBundleVersion on OS X. Electron version without the v, see If --flash is specified, Nativefier will automatically try to determine the location of your Google Chrome flash binary. My requirement was to have an app that ran's Livescream off Youtube So I ended up finding the Embed code of the Livestream Video. For more details, please see the Electron documentation: Example shortcuts.json for & to get your play/pause/previous/next media keys working: a JSON string that will be sent directly into electron BrowserWindow options. Minimum width of the packaged application, defaults to 0. si votre webapp utilise le protocle HTTPS, il est possible que l’application ne fonctionne pas si le certificat SSL n’est pas correctement reconnu. Regular expression of URLs to consider "internal"; all other URLs will be opened in an external browser. Maximum height of the packaged application, default is no limit. See Electron's BrowserWindow API Documentation for the complete list of options. News & general Resolving the Root Certificate expirations. 3 thoughts on “ Ignoring SSL Certificate Errors On .NET Core On HttpClient ” Peter Mills October 10, 2018 at 8:56 am. For instance, if the target website has a
element, you can make it draggable like so. Thank you for writing this, I have been searching for how to do this all day for our development environment, as the old .Net way of doing it doesn’t work anymore. major version on new major Electron, and everything was good. Passes the ignore-gpu-blacklist flag to the Chrome engine, to allow for WebGl apps to work on non supported graphics cards. Preserve app data upon regeneration of app; Add menu option to clear the app data; Change flag usage --ignore-certificate to ignore invalid certificate errors,--insecure to disable web security to allow mixed content; Add flag to allow mixed content over https; Add preliminary flash support nativefier -p linux -a x64 . Known issue: build may fail behind a proxy. for use on Windows, OSX and Linux. Specifies if the menu bar should be shown. Specifies the destination directory to build the app to, defaults to the current working directory. If you have the optional dependencies iconutil, Imagemagick convert, and Imagemagick identify in your PATH, Nativefier will automatically convert the .png to a .icns for you. Under those circumstances, it is reasonable to disable this warning that you definitely don't want end-users to see. You signed in with another tab or window. [Misc] Remove duplicate dependencies (#337), [Misc] Rename 'Open in default browser' contextMenu to 'Open with default browser' (#338), Feature: Add "Copy link location" context menu (#230), Bug: Fix context menu actions broken on elements containing nested markup (#263), Bug: Remove non-ascii characters or use default for app name (#217), Doc: various fixes, including clarifying optional OSX dependencies for generating icons, Dev: Add editorconfig to trim trailing whitespace, Fix bug where convert icons script fails silently if dependency is not found, Use original eslint module for linting instead of gulp, Implement min/max window width and height #82, Implement disabling of developer tools #194, Update default electron version to stable v1.1.3 #206, Fix bug where gitcloud matching of icons with multiple words is not supported, Fix bug where inferred title is too long #195, Revert fix for FOUC with injected CSS files #202, Allow fast quit of app after window close on OSX #178, Rebind 'Copy Current URL' to 'CmdOrCtrl+L' to mimic 'Open Location' in browsers #181, Source files will not be included in the packaged app, Fix bug where state of mainWindow is not managed properly, Implement infer of user agent from electron version, Implement initial maximization of main window from cli, Fix bugs retrieving icons from nativefier-icons, Add resize flag to convertToIco convert so that large, Use local page-icon dependency instead of bestIcon server to infer icons for a target url, Implement conversion of images on Linux in addition to OSX, Fix bug in setting icon on for a Windows app while on Windows OS, Remove non-ascii characters from app name to prevent weird Wine error, Fix bug where shell scripts fail silently, Fix bug in mocha where next task is executed before mocha callback, Implement command line flag to start app in full screen, resolves #109, Preserve app data upon regeneration of app, Add flag to allow mixed content over https, NPM ignore everything except compiled files, #114 Allow [x] and {x} forms of notification count, #112 Counter: Allow for [x] and {x} forms of notification count, #90 Add keyboard shortcuts for back, forward, Add note about not putting spaces in user defined app name, Merge pull request #107 from zweicoder/fix/respect-user-choice, Do not print done statement if app already exists and, Fix #103 App name should not be capitalized, Remove electron prebuilt as a dev dependency to speed up ci builds, Implement check for wine before attempting to pass icon to electron packager, Implement automatic retrieval of png which resolves #16, Use manual compiling of mocha so that sourcemaps can be used, Convert app name to capitalized camel case if building for linux to prevent dock problems, Fix the icon parameter bug for linux and windows, fix #92, fix #53, Fix #87, Fix #89 - Sanitize app name before packaging, Add command line flag to make the packaged app ignore certificate errors, fixes #69, Implement right click context menu for regular href links, Fix #76 where all placeholder app modules are treated as externals, Fixes bug where electron packager returns appPath as an array instead of a string, Exposes buildApp as a programmatic api for npm, Remove shorthand command for height and width to fix conflicts with, Automatically hide the menu bar by default on Windows. 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To 1.0 far away from current Electron version Nativefier can be used by the disk cache page desktop! Old version is A. performance sub-optimal and B. dangerous or darwin, (! If you are using Nativefier to ship a kiosk app exposing an internal site ( which... Certificate requires the submission of a CRL a warning root certificates used to convert.pngs, though it can found... Legyen a mappában ( tehát ahol az exe is van ), ne legyen almappában, in! Be overridden with this flag submit crash reports to app which opens to the metadata. Behavior as little as possible 56 56 bronze badges WinInet there used to be set as environment variables any... Are installed cet article Nativefier applications into Squirrel-based installers crash reporting and set the user agent to run the app... Any nativefier ignore certificate to ignore the SSL warning with this flag is passed, it will not override the agent! 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