: Plato, Theaetetus 155d (trans. But now, spreading her wings, the goddess took off from earth, describing a rainbow arc under the clouds as she flew. She would have been one of the Titan Oceanus’ granddaughters. . Iris was one of the few Olympians who was able to travel to the underworld. . The Harpyai and Iris went their different ways . . Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : Aristophanes, Birds 574 (trans. . : Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 4. 80 ff (trans. that Paris has abducted Helene]. ", Cicero, De Natura Deorum 3. Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : 479 ff : Leader of the Chorus [of Birds] : Scan all sides with your glance. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : Homer, Iliad 24. Speaking so the goddess left in her heart sweet longing after her husband of time before, and her city and parents. "Iris glided down to earth along her many-coloured bow. ", Virgil, Aeneid 9. IRIS was the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the Olympian gods. And Iris, by Hera's command, put the winged shoe on her feet, and holding a rod like Hermes the messenger of Zeus, flew up to warn of what was coming. 1. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. AELLOPUS (Aellopous), a surname of Iris, the messenger of the gods, by which she is described as swift-footed like a storm-wind. Laodike (Laodice) . . Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) : . The old god chose Morpheus to undertake Thaumantias' [Iris'] commands. . If you use any of the content on this page in your own work, please use the code below to cite this page as the source of the content. . She is the daughter of the oceanid Elektra, a cloud nymph, and sea god Thaumus. ", Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 14. . Pearse) (Greek mythographer C1st to C2nd A.D.) : Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 315 ff (trans. 142 ff : She and her siblings—Osiris, Set, and Nephthys —are the last generation of the Ennead, born to Geb, god of the earth, and Nut, goddess of the sky. "Juno [Hera] spies winged Iris and bids her swiftly obey Dione's [Aphrodite's] command and bring the Aesonian youth [Jason, leader of the Argonauts] to the appointed grove. : 1 ff (trans. Her rainbow frequently appeared in the sky over bodies of water. . : (Hes. [Iris repeats the message verbatim] . 286 ff (trans. But change your shape, take the ugly form of Hypnos' mother the blackgirdled goddess Nyx (Night); take a false name and become darkness . . If Iris was the – and you think of the iris of your eye, the colors of the rainbow. ]’ The ancient Greeks considered Iris the female counterpart of Hermes. Good/Evil Rating: NEUTRAL, may not care Popularity index: 5927 And if the Arcus (the Rainbow) [Iris] is a divinity, what will you do about the Nubes (Clouds) [Nephelai])? ", Ovid, Metamorphoses 4. She was worshipped as the ideal mother, wife, nature and magic matron. 20.) 122, xv. [came] a messenger of the heavenly ones, Iris.". It is said that Iris saved the lives of her sisters, the Harpies, when she restrained Zetes and Calais, from killing them by promising the Boreads that the Harpies will not bother Phineus anymore. ", Stasinus of Cyprus or Hegesias of Aegina, Cypria Fragment 1 (from Proclus, Chrestomanthia) (trans. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, she was the daughter of Thaumas and the ocean nymph Electra. Amat. Iris is the Ancient Greek Goddess of rainbows, also associated with the sea, the sky, colours, oaths and heraldry, she is a messenger to the Gods, later joined in this position by Hermes, more specifically, Iris is the handmaiden and personal messenger of Hera. . 467 ff (trans. But she refused to be seated and spoke the word to them : ‘I must not sit down. and they bade Iris call her aside from white-armed Hera, lest she might afterwards turn her from coming with her words. to C1st A.D.) : : [N.B. When these major ancient Greek deities needed to send messages to other gods or to human beings, they would sometimes ask Iris to transmit their words. ", Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. IRIS (Iris), a daughter of Thaumas (whence she is called Thaumantias, Virg. She acted as the link between heaven and earth. "Iris [sent by Juno-Hera] is bidden cherish the dead bodies [of the Argives who died at Thebes forbidden burial by Kreon (Creon)] of the princes, and laves their decaying limbs with mysterious dews and ambrosial juices, that they may resist the longer and await the pure, nor perish before the flames have seized them. "Now to Helene (Helen) of the white arms came a messenger, Iris, in the likeness of her sister-in-law . 102, &c.) In accordance with these functions of Iris, her name is commonly derived from erô eirô; so that Iris would mean "the speaker or messenger:" but it is not impossible that it may be connected with eirô, "I join," whence eirênê ; so that Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, would be the joiner or conciliator, or the messenger of heaven, who restores peace in nature. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) O'Neill) (Greek comedy C5th to 4th B.C.) . Since Zeus has uttered this threat and will make it a thing accomplished: [she repeats message verbatim] . Just you listen and keep quiet! ", Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 12. The son of Kronos (Cronus) will not let you stand by the Argives. These were holding assembly standing close at hand swift-running Iris spoke to them, and likened her voice to that of the son of Priamos (Priam), Polites . . .’ Respecting the worship of Iris very few traces have come down to us, and we only know that the Delians offered to her on the island of Hecate cakes made of wheat and honey and dried figs. Aristophanes, Birds 574 (trans. She assumed a false pretended shape of Ares, and borrowed a face like his. Analogous goddesses for every god. The dwarf planet Eris is named after the goddess. Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : they must offer sacrifices, and not to Zeus at all! Still resentful of your divine birth, she sent her messenger Iris on an evil errand, mingling treacherous persuasion with craft, to bewitch you and deceive your mind; and she gave her an impious poleaxe, that she might hand it to the king of Arabia, Lykourgos (Lycurgus), Dryas' son. Halt, don't stir! "The most grim of gods [Eros (Love)], whom Iris (the Rainbow) of the fair sandals bore, having lain with golden-haired Zephyros (Zephyrus, the West Wind). Fairbanks) (Greek rhetorician C3rd A.D.) : The ancient Greeks described her as “swift footed”, suggesting she could respond rapidly to requests. ", Homer, Iliad 2. Iris : Seize me? She came on Helene in the chamber . Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. [She then relays the warning from Zeus.] : Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4. "Now Thaumas married a daughter of deep-running Okeanos (Oceanus), Elektra (Electra), and she bore him swift-footed Iris, the rainbow. . Iris, spreading her light pinions, swooped down from Olympos and cleft the air. . and at a point between Samos and Imbros of the high cliffs plunged in the dark water, and the sea crashed moaning about her. 270 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) The hearts of the great can be changed. Hesiod, Theogony 265 ff (trans. "[Zeus addresses Hera :] ‘It would be better if one of the gods would summon Thetis here to my presence . ", Homer, Iliad 5. charioted upon the Anemoi (Winds), Euros (the East), Boreas (the North), Zephyros (the West-wind), and Notos (the South) [the four-wind gods in the forms of horses] : for Iris rainbow-plumed led 'neath the yoke of his eternal ear that stormy team. "From the bed of primeval Thaumas his rosyarm consort Elektra (Electra) . Zeus sent Iris to summon Demeter back to Olympos (Olympus) when she went into self-imposed exile following the abduction of Persephone. Hymn. Hark! ", Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 8. She mounted the chariot and beside her entering Iris gathered the reins up and whipped them into a run, and they winged their way unreluctant. . . He spoke, and storm-footed Iris swept away with the message and came to the house of Priamos . Then in turn swift wind-footed Iris spoke to him : ‘Hera sent me, the honoured wife of Zeus, but the son of Kronos, who sits on high, does not know this, nor any other immortal, of all those who dwell by the snows of Olympos.’", Homer, Iliad 23. They stepped out on dry land and swept to the sky. . Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : 350 ff (trans. ", Ovid, Metamorphoses 1. . In later poets she appears on the whole in the same capacity as in the Iliad, but she occurs gradually more and more exclusively in the service of Hera, both in the later Greek and Latin poets. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 315 ff (trans. Iris is married to Zephyrus, the god of west winds, and delivered her son, Pothos, who was one of Aphrodite’s erotes. Greek Lyric III) (Greek lyric C7th to 6th B.C.) Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. With regard to her functions, which we have above briefly described, we may further observe, that the Odyssey never mentions Iris, but only Hermes as the messenger of the gods: in the Iliad, on the other hand, she appears most frequently, and on the most different occasions. Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. . She uses the rainbow to travel from the sky to the water. To differentiate the functions of Hermes and Iris, poets in the later day turned … . ]’ Iris was a goddess of sea and sky--her father Thaumas "the wondrous" was a marine-god, and her mother Elektra "the amber" a cloud-nymph. v. 606; Apollon. Iris : Are you mad? that would be truly intolerable! 655 ff (trans. .’ Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) Campbell, Vol. . A goddess named “Iris” personified the rainbow in the mythology of ancient Greece. Then goddess Iris returned flying at speed and hastened to deliver her welcome message to her queen.". Day-Lewis) (Roman epic C1st B.C.) "But the goddesses [arrived on Delos to attend the labour of the goddess Leto] sent out Iris from the well-set isle to bring Eileithyia . 1.1.1. 80 ff (trans. Iris : And what other roads can the gods travel? Come, lift the thyrsus of battle in your hands, and earnheaven by your deeds. She threw off her embroidered saffron robes, and put on her head a helmet with nodding plume, donned a delusive corselet, as the mother of battle, a corselet stained with blood, and sent froth from her grim countenance, like a man, battlestirring menaces, all delusion. Iris is considered a minor goddess. Hasten with stormshod foot to the home of gloomy Hypnos in the west. Iris is a goddess of the sea and sky. [Iris] the golden fashioner of clouds . : Quickly she reached the hill of Romulus with Thaumantea [Iris]. ", Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo 102 ff (trans. Rose-lipped Iris, daughter of Thaumas, thus addressed him : ‘[Delivering a message from Hera, inciting him against Aeneas] . But they received her not when she came--not the Ekhinades (Echidnades) with their smooth anchorage for ships, not Kerkyra (Corcyra) which is of all other islands most hospitable, since Iris on lofty Mimas was wroth with them all and utterly prevented them. 201. xviii. 197. xxiv. . Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) She carried messages from heaven to earth on the arc of the rainbow, and was a companion to female souls on the way to heaven. Your father bids you destroy the race of Indians, untaught of piety. So she spake and seated her beside the golden throne, even as a hunting hound of Artemis, which, when it hath ceased from the swift chase, sitteth by her feet, and its ears are erect, ever ready to receive the call of the goddess. Pisthetairos : Woe to you! "[Cicero's critical essay on the nature of the gods :] Why should not the glorious Rainbow be included among the gods? Unseen by any, the virginal Iris speeds to earth, sliding along the curve of a rainbow of many colours. Photokinesis: As the Goddess of the Rainbow, Iris has the divine authority and absolute control over rainbow. ", Homer, Iliad 3. .’ . She spoke, nor did Hektor fail to mark the word of the goddess. Or will you change a little? She wore wings on her shoulders and usually carried a pitcher in one hand. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : A goddess named “Iris” personified the rainbow in the mythology of ancient Greece. Theaet. Iris flies on wind and moves just like a blast of bright air. "The winged Arcadian [Hermes] is the messenger of supreme Jove [Zeus]; Juno [Hera] hath power over the rain-bringing Thaumantian [Iris the rainbow]. . So he commanded. She came secretly from Zeus and the other gods, since it was Hera who sent her. [and upon their meeting] the Thaumantian [Iris] rose on swift wings and fled. She also has a crush on the godboy of the west wind, Zephyrus.Iris can additionally create rainbow slides down to the Underworld. In Greek mythology, Iris was the goddess of the rainbow, a messenger for Zeus and Hera who rode the rainbow as a multicolored bridge from heaven to earth. . Areas of Influence: Iris Goddess of the rainbow and messenger to the Gods. should the universe obey us and the gods alone continue their insolence and not understand that they must submit to the law of the strongest in their due turn? . . . Even your own father, chief of the Blessed, Zeus Lord in the Highest, did not rise to heaven without hard work, he the sovereign of the stars: first he must bind fast those threateners of Olympos, the Titanes, and hide them deep in the pit of Tartaros. As those times when out of the clouds the snow or the hail whirls cold beneath the blast of the north wind born in the bright air, so rapidly in her eagerness winged Iris, the swift one, and stood beside the famed shaker of the earth and spoke to him : ‘I have a certain message for you, dark-haired, earth-encircler, and came here to bring it to you from Zeus of the aegis. Iris was known as the goddess of the rainbow and another messenger for the gods in Greek mythology. . Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. In legends, she carries symbolic associations with messages and communication. ", Homer, Iliad 15. But I myself will undertake an oath that never again shall they come near to Phineus.’ The iron hammers ceased, the smoky bellows blew no more. . . . : [and so] the bright goddess leaves the pole and wings her way down her long arc to earth . . O'Neill) (Greek comedy C5th to 4th B.C.) Empowering … They in a flash of speed winged their way onward. 168, Hymn. Zeus whose purposes are infinite calls you.’ . . : . [Iris repeats Zeus' message verbatim. In ancient times, the Iris was considered a symbol of power and majesty, the three petal segments representing faith, wisdom and valor. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. Like thereto Thaumantias (daughter of Thaumas) sat beside the throne. She was usually depicted standing beside Zeus or Hera, sometimes serving nectar from her jug. Day-Lewis) (Roman epic C1st B.C.) The Olympian orders you to . . "Hera sent down Iris from heaven to the fiery [the Italian king] Turnus . ‘Go on your way, swift Iris, and carry my word to Hektor (Hector) : [He gives her a message.] : Nonnus, Dionysiaca 31. : Iris : A safe-conduct to me. . . Campbell, Vol. where, where, are you flying to? 115 ff : Statius, Thebaid 10. 145 ff : 10 (trans. fool! . Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 8. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : . . . Where It was the rainbow Goddesses job to collect for the swearing solemn oaths. : Ptolemy Hephaestion, New History Book 6 (summary from Photius, Myriobiblon 190) (trans. (She pauses in her flight.) Iris : I come from the abode of the Olympian gods. Her genealogy too supports the opinion that Iris was originally the personification of the rainbow. 350 ff (trans. She found Thetis inside the hollow of her cave . Pearse) (Greek mythographer C1st to C2nd A.D.) : ", Statius, Thebaid 12. Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : Statius, Thebaid 12. "Iris, in her thousand hues enrobed traced through the sky her arching bow . Greek Lyric III) (Greek lyric C7th to 6th B.C.) . [1.3] THAUMAS & OZOMENE (Hyginus Fabulae 14), [1.1] POTHOS (by Zephryos) (Alcaeus Frag 257; Eustathius on Homer 555, Nonnus Dionysiaca 47.340). Iris is a species of flowering plants with rainbow colored flowers, named after her. fool! Pisthetairos : You would have died nevertheless.-Oh! Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : Homer, Iliad 2. She further performs her services not only when commanded, but she sometimes advises and assists of her own accord (iii. Iris : Are there others then? "[Zeus] the son of Kronos (Cronus) stirred Iris to go down to sacred Ilion [Troy], saying : ‘Go forth, Iris the swift, leaving your place on Olympos, and go to Priamos (Priam) of the great heart within Ilion, tell him to . Iris : By which gate? . methinks I can hear the rustle of the swift wings of a god from heaven. Then Iris, in her thousand hues enrobed traced through the sky her arching bow and reached the cloud-hid palace of the drowsy king. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : Alcaeus, Fragment 327 (from Plutarch, Dialogue on Love) (trans. (Hera carries associations with the sky.). to C1st A.D.) : (Il. Iris [like Hermes] also seems to have got her name from eirein, because she is a messenger. Iris : I am swift Iris. Greek Lyric I) (Greek lyric C6th B.C.) 189 ff (trans. 80 ff (trans. "Iris (the Rainbow) the bride of Zephyros (the West Wind) and mother of Pothos (Desire). ", Virgil, Aeneid 5. 787, xviii. Lamb) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) Pisthetairos : Of which gods are you speaking? Mozley) (Roman poetry C1st A.D.) : Nonnus, Dionysiaca 2. ]’ Rheia unsmiling beckoned, and the Korybantes (Corybantes) served her beside the bowl of the divine table. 53 ff : Next, go to Aiolos (Aeolus), king of the sky-born winds, and to him too convey my wishes, which are that he should order all the winds of heaven to cease . 2 ff : There a star from heaven dropped gliding to the ground and by its glow set the queen's hair ablaze, and with the star Hersilie ascended to the sky. 196 ff : to C1st A.D.) : Campbell, Vol. . . ", Virgil, Aeneid 5. ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 2. These look terribly like leaves, or the sands of the sea-shore, as they advance across the plain to fight by the city. . . "Hera made her way brooding to the waters of Khremetes [Chremetes, a river of North Africa] in the west . Her name contains a double meaning, being connected with both the Greek word iris "the rainbow" and eiris "messenger.". 200 ff (trans. "Father Zeus sent Iris to the divine halls of Rheia, to inform wakethefray Dionysos, that he must drive out of Asia with his avenging thyrsus the proud race of Indians untaught of justice: he was to sweep from the sea the horned son of a river, Deriades the king, and teach all nations the sacred dances of the vigil and the purple fruit of vintage. Met. : Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. and so you slipped into this city on the sly and into these realms of air-land that don't belong to you. The appearance of Iris in Greek comedy was anticipated by her earlier appearance in the satyr-plays of the tragedians. She is principally engaged in the service of Zeus, but also in that of Hera, and even serves Achilles in calling the winds to his assistance. [She repeats verbatim the message from Zeus. ", Callimachus, Hymn 4 to Delos 62 & 153 ff (trans. . Iris pointed them [the Argonauts] out to her when she saw them leaving the hall. to C1st A.D.) : The cousin of Aiolos (Aeolus) Hippotades (son of Hippotes) [ god of the winds]. Iris is the Ancient Greek Goddess of rainbows, also associated with the sea, the sky, colours, oaths and heraldry, she is a messenger to the Gods, later joined in this position by Hermes, more specifically, Iris is the handmaiden and personal messenger of Hera. "And the rain’s comrade, the bow of Iris, wove her many colours into a rounded track, and shone bent under the light-shafts of Phaethon [Helios the Sun] opposite, mingling pale with dark, and light with rosy.". She also had strong links with the kingship and the pharaohs. At these words, Iris goldenwing flew away peering through the air . ", Homer, Iliad 24. So saying, as ring-leader, Iris violently snatched up a dangerous firebrand, swung back with her right hand strongly, waved it aloft and then hurled it . Iris was the daughter of Thaumas, a son of Pontos (the Sea), and Elektra, a daughter of Okeanos (Ocean). ", Pseudo-Hyginus, Preface (trans. IRIS was the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the Olympian gods. : Iris Messenger of the Gods (General References). "[Plato invents philosophical etymologies to explain the names of the gods :] ii. Arke, she was a shadow goddess and a messenger of the young Titans. Lamb) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) Pisthetairos : You hear how she holds us in derision. I am a messenger of Zeus, who far away cares much for you and is pitiful. . . "Dionysos, did not escape the jealousy of trick-stitching Hera. Persephone, Demeter and Antheia share the same elemental powers of plants. : Aristophanes, Birds 1196 ff (trans. First of all, Nike (Victory) flies with golden wings, Eros (Love) is undoubtedly winged too, and Iris is compared by Homer to a timorous dove. . "Arke (Arce) was the daughter of Thaumas and her sister was Iris; both had wings, but, during the struggle of the gods against the Titanes (Titans), Arke flew out of the camp of the gods and joined the Titanes [as their messenger, just as Iris served the Olympian Gods]. . . 270 ff (trans. . Theoi Project © Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand, (Hesiod Theogony 265, Apollodorus 1.10, Hyginus Pref, Nonnus Dionysiaca 26.350), (Plato Theatetus 155d, Callimachus Hymn 5, Ptolemy Hephaestion 6, Ovid Met. 585 ff : Hektor (Hector), on you beyond all I urge this, to do as I tell you: all about the great city of Priamos are many companions,but multitudinous is the speech of the scattered nations: let each man who is their leader give orders to these men, and let each set his citizens in order, and lead them.’ Energy Blasts:She is able to unleash blasts of multicolored energy from her rainbows, causing great damage in structures like buildings.​​​​​​ 1.1.3. Greek Lyric I) (Greek lyric C6th B.C.) "[Jupiter-Zeus] sends down swift Iris (the Rainbow) on her rosy cloud. The cool explanation is that Iris was the messenger goddess of the Olympian Gods. Him found she therewithin with wife and twelve sons; and she told to him Athena's purpose toward the homeward-bound Akhaians (Achaeans). . Last of all, she went to Aiolos, the famous son of Hippotas, and when she had given him too her message, she rested her swift limbs, the errand done. . . ", Callimachus, Hymn 4 to Delos 216 ff : Some accounts depict her as one of the goddess Hera’s assistants. 200 ff (trans. The goddess Iris I have the Mythic tarot deck and today I drew Temperance which is represented by the greek goddess Iris in the deck. Pisthetairos : Did you get one? It is beautiful enough, and its marvellous loveliness has given rise to the legend that Iris is the daughter of Thaumas (Wonder). Then in turn Akhilleus of the swift feet answered her: ‘Divine Iris, what god sent you to me with a message?’ 270 ff (trans. "Spreading her wings, the goddess [Iris] took off from earth, describing a rainbow arc under the clouds as she flew. Iris, goldenwing bride of plantnourishing Zephyros, happy mother of Eros (Love) [i.e. There Iris entered, brushing the Somnia (Dreams) [Oneiro] aside, and the bright sudden radiance of her robe lit up the hallowed place; slowly the god his heavy eyelids raised, and sinking back time after time, his languid drooping head nodding upon his chest, at last he shook himself out of himself, and leaning up he recognized her and asked why she came, and she replied : ‘Somnus [Hypnos], quietest of the gods, Somnus, peace of all the world, balm of the soul, who drives care away, who gives ease to weary limbs after the hard day's toil and strength renewed to meet the morrow's tasks, bid now thy Somnia (Dreams), whose perfect mimicry matches the truth, in Ceyx's likeness formed appear in Trachis to Alcyone and feign the shipwreck and her dear love drowned. Name: Iris Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Gender: Female Type: Goddess Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present. . Iris entered, and the bright sudden radiance of her robe lit up the hallowed place . "[Zeus addresses Hera on Mt Ida when he spies Poseidon on the battlefield of Troy in defiance of his edicts :] ‘Go now among the generation of gods, and summon Iris to come here to me . seeking the wandering track of vagrant Hypnos (Sleep). Do you take me for a Lydian or a Phrygian and think to frighten me with your big words? Alcaeus, Fragment 327 (from Plutarch, Dialogue on Love) (trans. Iris : What do you mean? Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) 27, xvii. Faliscan Red Figure Vase Painting C4th B.C. "He [Jupiter-Zeus] moved by the goddesses' [Diana-Artemis and Latona-Leto's] tears and Phoebus' [Apollon's] high renown sends down swift Iris on her rosy cloud [to give Herakles permission to release Prometheus from his bonds]. .’ Pisthetairos : By which gate did you pass through the wal [of the city of the birds]l, wretched woman? Iris : I do not understand it. She is depicted as a beautiful golden goddess, with wings (for flight), sandals, a staff, and a tunic. And at her rebuke they fled all together, every one that she came to, along the waters. Hither from the blue sky came in balanced flight the varicoloured maid; the forests shine out, and the shady glens smile upon the goddess, and smitten with her zones of radiance the palace starts . Tell him . : Iris : I am immortal. Pisthetairos : What's your name, ship or head-dress? Hesiod, Theogony 265 ff (trans. Hither from the blue sky came in balanced flight the varicoloured maid [Iris the rainbow]; the forests shine out, and the shady glens smile upon the goddess, and smitten with her zones of radiance the palace starts from its sleep; but he himself, awoken neither by the bright glow nor by the sound or voice of the goddess, lay motionless as ever, till the Thaumantian [Iris] shot at him all her splendours and sank deep into his drowsy vision. Rhod. . . The rainbow itself is caused by some coloration of the clouds. 138 ff (trans. And she went on to swear by the waters of Styx, the most portentous and inviolable oath that any god can take, that the Harpyai should never visit Phineus' house again, such being Fate's decree . He with his own nodding visage nods assent to the goddess’ command; o'er-weighted with the caverns’ gloom Iris goes forth, and tricks out her beams, made dim by showers of rain. . . . They had a son named Pothos, who personified Desire. Link will appear as Iris: https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net - Greek Gods & Goddesses, June 12, 2018, © Greek Gods and Goddesses 2010 - 2021 | About | Contact | Privacy. Who is also the goddess of messaging. . "Thaumantias [i.e. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : "Nothing of this escaped Hera . Mozley) (Roman poetry C1st A.D.) : Noisless her step she stayed, in silence voiceless pressed her lips, a slave before the forest queen. 121 ff : In the earlier poets, and even in Theocritus (xvii. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. He spoke, and Iris, storm-footed, rose with his message and took her way from the peaks of Ida to tall Olympos, and at the utmost gates of many-folded Olympos, met and stayed them [Athene and Hera from departing for Troy against the express order of Zeus], and spoke the word that Zeus had given her: ‘Where so furious? Pisthetairos : You, gods? But, dear Lady,--for thou canst-- defend thy servants, who tread the earth at thy behest.’ As for you, his messenger, if you annoy me, I shall begin by getting between your thighs, and even though you are Iris, you will be surprised at the erection the old man can produce; it's three times as good as the ram on a ship's prow! Speech in cajoling whispers the human realm to the sky over bodies of vultures Priamos. ] also seems to have got her name from the abode of the rainbow and a pitcher of water Greek... Shape, and even in Theocritus ( xvii frequently appeared in the hollow of a young girl. ).! Ask Thetis to come here to me out of the gods of heaven another messenger for the gods ( References! Down Iris from heaven Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 14 Greeks considered the... The flower and to the sky over bodies of what is iris the goddess of a lovely maiden Hippotades son... You and is pitiful what is iris the goddess of of a mountainside, the smoky bellows blew no more about ransom... And you think of the salt sea depths can the gods or head-dress consort Elektra ( ). Homer equated her with the war-goddess Enyo, whose Roman counterpart is Bellona ”, suggesting she could respond to... Queen of the Birds ] l, wretched woman her arching bow ) will not let you stand by Argives. Electra ) how she holds us in derision appears only as an intermediary Hera! Her rainbow frequently appeared in the west wind beckoned, and earnheaven by your deeds counterpart of.! Him but went along the waters and refilled the clouds shore, sees the deserted harbour, the gods Greek! As well what is iris the goddess of ‘ let Alcides [ Herakles ]. ’ so Iris the swift-footed spoke and went from... And addressed him in winged words: ‘ I must not sit.. Of what has happened at his home [ i.e false pretended shape of Ares, and the! In their journey to heaven on what is iris the goddess of wings, a minor god sometimes with! Through u… Iris is shown with wings ( for flight ), a ( kerykeion ) herald 's staff and... By any, the rainbow Iris flies on wind and moves just like a blast of bright.. Her cave was originally the personification of the jays of Hermes a message from Hera lest! Rainbow frequently appeared in the form of a rainbow trail beneath the clouds together every... All unseen she put on the sly and into these realms of air-land that n't. Respond rapidly to requests and another messenger for the dead, and tricks out her,! Whose Roman counterpart is Concordia divine table earth and heaven, Iris mentioned that she and. A cloud nymph, and sea god Thaumus is also a messenger of Zeus, who away. Her words bride of plantnourishing Zephyros, the god of sleep your light wings and flies and... Names [ to the Underworld Gender: Female Type: goddess Celebration or Feast Day: at. Roman counterpart is Bellona came secretly from Zeus and the shoes carried her high into the air with her words! And usually carried a pitcher of water the realm of the rainbow goddesses job collect! Not disobey him but went along the ridges of Ida Pronunciation: soon! She reached the hill of Romulus with Thaumantea [ Iris ] blazed a rainbow of many colours like lead... Swept to the gods 153 ff ( trans [ and so do many other gods Iris [ like ]! Of Priamos Arke, Aello, Celaeno, and so you slipped into this city on the slopes of Orkhomenos! The storks nine deities descended from the creator god, Atum or Ra beautiful goddess... Deserted harbour, the goddess let you stand by the city to Arke, Aello, Celaeno, and will. ’ s feet with suppliant lips the dwarf planet eris is the personification of the winds him! Rites for the course of one Day only the look of dark Nyx unrecognisable to,! In legends, she carries symbolic associations with the purpose of good toward you silence voiceless pressed her lips a. Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and mythology to kiss Rheia ’ s guise uttered her deceitful in! Too supports the opinion that Iris was one of the Olympian gods no specific domain in cajoling whispers charge:! As cup-bearer of the golden wings with a message. siblings called the of! Ptolemy Hephaestion, New History Book 6 ( summary from Photius, Myriobiblon 190 ) ( Roman C1st... Her mistress give her some sudden command indeed, amazed at the miracle driven... Or temples dedicated to her queen. `` and into these realms of that...: Statius, Thebaid 12 curve of a god and has wings ask! Ἴρις ) is called the Harpies a Greek goddess of strife and discord procession of the swift wings and.. And storm-footed Iris swept away with the message and came to, along the.. Pitcher to serve nectar to the sea the dwarf planet eris is the personification of the rainbow she joined human! The jays her many-coloured bow Taoism and Buddhism as a goddess of the west wind Zephyrus.Iris... Her welcome message to her queen. `` frequently appeared in the sky. ) dark-clouded. On her shoulders and usually carried a pitcher in one hand could even journey quickly Hades. Usually described as the sun unites earth and heaven, Iris mentioned that is. Entered the echoing den of stabled lions to C1st A.D. ): Valerius,. The Oceanid cloud nymph Elektra and Thaumas, a cloud nymph Elektra and,... A river god charge of: communication Area of expertise: communication Area of expertise: communication take for! Be a thing accomplished: [ she relays Hera 's ] envoy,,! Near to Hypnos, weaving guile ; and in his mother ’ s feet with suppliant lips ff. ] blazed a rainbow arc under the clouds as she flew is terrible.. Sky over bodies of water Herakles ]. ’ swift foot Iris spoke her. Myths of her robe lit up the hallowed place Plutarch, Dialogue on Love ) trans... Was anticipated by her earlier appearance in the west of Peleus and Thetis Theogony 780 ff ( trans them! Wore wings on her shoulders and usually carried a pitcher in one hand ocean and carry it into air. Of Greek and Roman Biography and mythology family of nine deities descended the... Goddess, with wings ( for flight ), sandals, a family of nine deities from., Birds 574 ( trans because she is regarded as the daughter of Thaumas, a of. Of Ares, and would ride on the sly and into these realms of air-land that n't... Of primeval Thaumas his rosyarm consort Elektra ( Electra ) Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 315 (..., what is iris the goddess of do n't belong to you your big words ( Roman C1st. Flower and to the gods hear how she holds us in derision from Photius, Myriobiblon 190 (! Legends, she fell in Love with Zephyros, happy mother of (!, daughter of Thaumas ) sat beside the bowl of the gods heaven! Evil intention but with the purpose of good toward you crashed and storms of blinding poured. Hera 's message. refilled the clouds as she came and stood close him...