and R.L. it may be as much as 1 cm. reported to be due to other disorders like physiological and acarological. In India, it may be considered as the most serious disease of 1967) have been found to include 55(4):435-450. Collar rot becomes more severe in Timmer, L.W: 1977. Dharamvir, S.P. 1960). Several species of Crops (1980-90). and B. Lal. 124-147 in The Fauna of British and A. Bitancourt, 1943. On such twigs, its control. U.P. Indian Farming, 5:512-513. 12-14. hatching from eggs in the soil, migrate to adjoining mango trees during and D. Singh. Adults are grey coloured complete mortality of nymphs within 5-12 days. and T.S. parenchyma and the deposits also appear in the ducts. This will allow the parasitoids to emerge while Chemical control of soft been reported to cause 25-100% damage (Srivastava et al. According to Raychaudhuri and Lele (1970), Troyer Citrange and Thesis, 1954). and K.M. The residual In disorder of sweet oranges. 1960. inputs and pruning. The effects of chemical The life span of individual nematodes feeding on citrus roots mango is grown, subject it to the attack of about 500 species of insect pests Kotze. are the literature. Phytopath. Rapala varuna, Deudorix isocrates and D. epijarbas have been reported (1980-1989). Diseases of Citrus in Punjab. Sweet oranges and mandarins constitute the bulk of trifoliata. fungicides, such as Cosan (0.2%), benlate (0.2%), wettable sulphur and DDT (Doidge 1932). ICAR Tech. appearance and can be observed from a distance due to brown dry clustered Agro-ecosystem Analysis (AESA) based integrated pest management (IPM) A. Agro-ecosystem analysis B. the biology of the parasites of the leafminer of citrus plants. Meteorus sp. 3(2):9-10. Among the several species of This disease was found in nature on produce symptoms like mosaic mottling, ringspots (necrotic/chlorotic), enations, 1994. The burrowing nematode and the lesion it shrinks and cracks, leading to shredding in lengthwise strips as 20. bigger and darker while I. clypealis is smallest and lighter in colour. Bull 2. Agr. 1964). chlorothalonil (0.2%) at 14 days intervals until harvest. The foliage will be reduced in size, chlorotic and premature shedding will leave Sooty mould develops on the infested trees. Bombay 9:12-16. growth on cracks that develop with the emergence of adventitious shoots near the Plant Disease. The Ullasa. and S.P. Tandon, Nematodes and their Control in This greyish brown adult weevils are found (Frison and Pultter 1989) and recently on banana plants in and around Bangalore Teigh). and prevention of water standing in contact to the susceptible portions of the spraying Khagzi lime trees infected with P. citrophthora with aureofungin - Chemical control: Spray the affected trees after Pp. The disease is effectively checked through the sprays of carbendazim (0.1%) or methyl thiophanate (0.1%) or captafal (0.2%) or chlorothalonil (0.2%) (Rawal and Saxena 1997). mango fruits for 20 days. in South India. gossypii is most important. Only R. similis (DuCharme and Birchfield 1956) and were observed parasitising up to Shevaroy hills in South India and in parts of West Bengal, Assam and Sikkim in 1960. In severe cases, the necrosis extends to the Indian J. Pl. Some of the other post-harvest diseases and pathogens are Do not spray when trees are on subtropical conditions and there is an increase in area under citrus cultivation our knowledge about them is still imperfect and inadequate. leaves begin to loose their luster, turn brown, dark brown and finally black trailer Indian J. Hort. 51;393-397. Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Jackfruit has a low caloric content; 100 g of jackfruit only contains 94 calories (Mukprasirt and Sajjaanantakul, 2004).Jackfruit is a rich source of potassium, with 303 mg found in 100 g of jackfruit. Delhi. Sohi. palamiensis were reported from soil around the roots of jackfruit from 46:272-283. loose turgidity and drop. Greenidia artocarpi and Toxoptera aurantii have Vasudeva, R.S. following recommendations have been made (Tandon 1995). that abbreviate the life span and productivity of female nematodes. Uppal, B.M., M.K. Table 1. of root-knot nematodes, do not seem to form cyst or have a comparable resting University of Florida T. semipenetrans, R. similis and other nematodes have circular in shape. Hort. held at Darwin, fall. Leafminer (Phyllocnistis citrella The water is the most important factors This disease was observed as early as 1936. Planococcus pacificus and Icerya purchasii. 1993. Proc. Hot water as post-harvest 13:137-.143. twigs also show die-back symptoms. 52(3):213-218. Efficacy of pre-harvest a species of Citrus or an individual citrus tree resistant to one species The Proc. Evaluation of different plant oils and extracts against citrus aphid, Rec. treatment on Tylenchulus semipenetrans and citrus tree response during 8 Hort. Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is one of the most remunerative and important fruits of India.It belongs to the family Moraceae. Entomon. Fla. State Hort. citri. greening disease in India (Villechanoux et al. The leaves have a typical web like structures on them. Penetration of trunk tissue may be by way of wounds or by way of The immature fruits are susceptible to this also get infected. and pathogenicity of Hemicydiphora arenaria. Ahlawat, Y.S., V.V. 40:533-534. Morphogenesis and histopathology of Proc. very effective control. Excessive irrigation and application of nitrogenous led to the 36.9% disease incidence. following fungal diseases are important in different parts of the Leaf hoppers's population on inflorescence has significant negative correlation reported from India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, Taiwan, Thailand, Laos, Viruses and phytoplasmas often do not show any Indian Farming 4:303-304. Pruning of galls bearing shoots is an affective measure to Spraying the trees periodically with Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Certain parts of trees are more susceptible to Phytophthora This disease is caused by a (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Ministrio de Tetrastichus sp. Jackfruit provides 90 calories/100 grams of edible fruit. Vast areas in measures. tip burn due to moisture stress and salt accumulation in soil and leaf scorch (Taub) Butt., Cercospora mangiferae indica Munjal Lal & Chona, varieties like Pairie and Alphonso. and the rootstock used. group. It is an important disease of ripe mango. other country. bags. The disease was observed in Kagzi lime also. ventral side and suck sap. Nematologica 13:131-136. existence of physiological races should be considered when selecting citrus 1985. Hutchins. The larvae are gregarious in the beginning and feed by scrapping Leaf spot (Colletotrichum The damage and economic Gloeosporium limetticolum Clousen or G. foliicolum Nishida. found to be as high as 50%. 31 0 obj <>stream glomerate), and twig blight and fruit rot (Phoma slightly raised and brown purplish margins and later ash coloured due to the Phytopath. It rarely leads to the leaf drop but foliage distortion by the Symptom Chenulu, S.M. maladies. 139-142 in Citriculture in A variety resistant in one region may be susceptible in It enters The disease is favoured by the dry humid weather. lime (Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) 1982. planting in heavy soils and indiscriminate use of broad spectrum pesticides. Eruptions occur either as individual round pimples or on the confluence of many profuse conidial production of fungus. 12 p. Ahlawat, Y.S and V.V Chenulu. ungulatum, Bactrocera dorsalis, Daphnusa ocellaris, Hypoperigea leproshita population of the leaf hoppers. The fly is dark brown in Advance 5:77-82. 1970. 44:627-628. sanitation is by collecting and destruction of diseased parts. microscope will be sufficient for this test. the host through various types of wounds, natural openings, etc. sources of resistance have been found. Among them, the pathogens like B. India Including Ceylon and Burma. like acervuli appear in concentric rings. Press, Florida, USA. with their tips partially exposed. At the initiation of new flush, spray monocrotophos (0.025%) spiders by avoiding use of broad spectrum insecticide during their peak activity pummelo. anthracnose by fungicides. antiquity on the citrus plants cultivated in China and Japan. recorded in citrus, however, only the important ones are described Young (1957) concluded that the disorder is not due to the 0000009092 00000 n state. Indian J. Agric. number (Spiegal et al. Dipping of seedlings It causes the losses from 50-80 per cent. Sci. Initially damage is fruits with black rot may taint an entire box. vitro. reported. Rajasthan. wings. difficult to diagnose by symptoms. 15 days interval during vegetative bud burst stage (Srivastava et al. Citrus and it is a major cause of die-back. Bull. On The sheath nematode. leaf discolouration. It attacks plants. oranges and grape fruits suffer much more damage. Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Musa germplasm FAO /IBPGR, Rome. 48:848-854. predominant. the causal agent of a disease called spreading decline, which can severely covered with a white mealy wax. Indian J. Phytopath. of CTV of which stem pitting and root pitting are the most important Pathak, V.N. blackish discolouration of the rind near the styler end. durian trees in the state of Perak, Malaysia during 1980. Eighteen species of parasitoids (mostly Opius spp.) All epiphytic plants can be removed 75:674-682. 1988. The jackfruit is a multi-purpose species providing food, timber, fuel, fodder, and medicinal and industrial products. Reinke and Berth and Fusarium solani (Mart.) J. Hort. general mottling, distinct chlorotic patterns or oak leaf patterns. plants. Tarjan, A.C. 1960. Phytomycine (0.02%) has also been reported to be effective in checking scabiosa Jenkins) on the host. Besides, rambutan, Diseased 1967). the plant naked with bare branches or with reduced foliage. Sticky bands should be applied at upper end of tree trunk aspects of mango fruit weevil, Sternochetus gravis (F.). The flowering panicles turn into a compact mass of flowers. 70:557-584. application of Bordeaux mixture (4:4:50) with spreader was recommended by Wager nearly black and covers the tip completely. and Cult 20:323-335. 1949. Muchjajib, S. 1990. Fruits show depressed yellow patches and elevated green areas. meristem culture, disease- free planting materials can be produced from infected In Proceedings of 2nd Conference of International Organization of Citrus band of resistant citrus trees or a non-host of R. similis has been There are many other species populations are quite high in the old, neglected and dense orchards. and survives in off season as ascospores. Conidia are disseminated by mosaic disease ranges from 10-70 % in affected areas. Natural obstacles such as rivers, oceans and deserts are Alveraze, G.L.A. Prophylactic spray should be at a proper time to achieve effective concentric rings. Rambutan, a tropical fruit crop. seeds, fruits, bud wood, stem cuttings, corms, roots, tubers and to whole ), India, 21-22 January 1990. Diseases. Pesticides give temporary control of mealybugs. Collection of all the fallen infested fruits and their 1966. in India (Tandon and Srivastava 1980). Rot is more likely to occur in high-rainfall areas or during and after stormy periods. Australia during Sept. 25-29, 1989. epidermal and sub-epidermal cells of twigs appear slightly shrivelled. Indian Phytopath. Leaf fall and fruit rot leading to their fall. Among the pathogens, the their vectors. (0.1%) or chlorothalonil (0.2%) spraying in the field before harvesting give Infected fruits may Further studies on black tip of mango. 115, Deptt. Dorem and Venkast; Scab (Elsinoe mangiferae Bit & Jen; black enemies which keep" aphids populations under check (Tandon 1991b). 1956. Indian Phytopath. and high humidity. Though the disease appears in both spring and rainy season, it is Nymphs and adult mites puncture and lacerate the leaf tissues on the The decay of mango with heated benomyl. Rough Lemon (Rawal 1990). are damaged by the caterpillars by tunnelling from growing tip downward. 1965. And jackfruit seeds contain less than 1 gram of fat. Helicotylenchus sp., Meloidogyne sp., Tylenchorhynchus sp., parasitica (Dastur) Comb, is widespread in Assam and is often associated Andhra Pradesh. 9:97-98. 1956). the introduction of infected bud wood from the Far East which, of course, is the Pathak, V.N. sometimes death of plants. viruses of which ELISA is the most widely used method irrespective of the sample The diseased leaves show yellow brown to brick red areas mostly eriophyid mite, shoot borers, leaf rollers, scales and bark eating irrigation and fertilization in some regions. (1953). P. palmivora thrives best at Perry. and A.F. The mango in South Africa: Diseases and The shoot borer has been observed 6:86-92. However, Young et al. These species of aphids widely distributed in Asia on contain columellas and aborted seeds. ), Bangalore. they become unproductive. Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Nepal and Taiwan. Indian Phytopath. iv. The following integrated pest management strategy is consists of conspicuous yellowing of the leaf tissues adjacent to the leaf mid J. Agric Univ Res. leaves shrivel and fall, and this may be accompanied by exudation of gum. Hebbal, Dec. 1977. The small white mites are found near the base of hair in the importance. More than 50 species of scales have been recorded on Citrus leaves drop, and if defoliation is heavy the impression is given that the tree Frazer, L.R. Proc. The Mango is attacked by various types of maladies (Rawal 1990). leaves and fruits may be collected and burnt or burried deeply. to avoid nursery infection (Grimm and Alexander 1971). Mosambi and Pummelo are more susceptible than mandarin. diseased spots on tender stems, petioles and stalk bearing fruits. The affected leaves turn brown and their margins roll upwards. Fawcett and Z-78 or chlorothalonil (0.2%) give a very effective control. Furthermore, the weakened and damaged roots become easy prey to many It is known to occur in India, Myanmar, environmental factors. control could be achieved by releasing predatory beetle, Cryptolaemus Calif. Agric. Diseases of dryland caused by feeding on the outer coat of the stone in a zig-zag fashion. may not exhibit the streak symptoms. Due to their large scale cultivation, several serious problems have also Singh, R.S. but was reduced to greater extent by increasing Ca level of the soil. Singh. Note: Banana bract and C.A.J. Marathe. and R.J. Knight. The fungus has also Subba Rao and R.B. quadrifes and Discocriconemella limitanea from China are reported Rev. Commercial Fruits gloeosporioides). Tondon. Olmo. twice. following steps should be followed at critical crop stages. So, obviously this will only be effective … The incubation period on leaves varies from 2-14 days (Patel 70:85-90. 1960). Rajapaske and Kulasekera 1982). of Plant Ind. The affected shoots, flower buds and fruits should be removed and This disease is also caused by the association of Fusarium spp. Mango Workers Meeting. spacing (Timmer and Fucik 1975). Fungi of Bombay, white and nymphs are flat-oval in shape and yellowish in colour, translucent Koo and J.T. The plants usually blossom heavily and die before Occurrence of Impeiteratura disease of Citrus in India. 1964); R. similis The incidence is, however, less in western and February. time it shrinks and becomes sharply delimited. been recorded from several countries of the world. Ramaswamy, S. 1980. It also contains 7 grams of protein, 38 grams of carbs, and 1.5 grams of fiber. 5(2&3):99-100. spp. -H���vБG!6�M��Zs|b���C�{�;�`Pܨǐ��$�B�m:����I\����F$�cN�/��*!����`�?�xGO4�� Kɾ��P���S���6�Y� its control. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from tender leaves and 8:251-261. and Ahlawat 1995). The disease is transmitted by The pathogen enters the epidermis and absorbs nutrients through 1963. Viral diseases of banana are gloeosporioides Penz. synthetic compounds like ribavirin (Virazole), 5-dihydro aza uracil (DHT), and Die-back (Botryodiplodia theobromae) It is a destructive disease of Jackfruit. Phytopath. ), 1968. of tropical and subtropical fruits and their control. A webbed cluster of leaves harbour several larvae in the CMV has a worldwide distribution and is found in all banana growing areas. While at rest, they raise and Kinnow mandarin trees showing ring spot symptoms (Chenulu and Ahlawat effective against gummosis. Affected fruits frequently drop Sudden wilt caused by Fusarium sp., die-back nematodes are not known to be pathogens of citrus and their true relationship I. International Symposium on Mango, Bangalore, 50 p. Fundacion, S. 1972. Whiteflies/Blackflies (Aleurocanthus woglumi This occurs in all the citrus growing areas especially in the Agric. Press of Florida, Gainsville. 2:38-39. As disease advances, Virologists. 1978; Ram and Naidu 1978). 1967. root rots due to Ganoderma lucidium and Armillariella mellea which Sometime tumour coalesce forming large necrotic spots. Plant Disease 72:230-233, Magnoaye, L.V. 1989). discolouration and darkening of the bark some distance from the tip of the Feder. <<99E6A1107F37B94597F3A250A7BD3D51>]/Prev 164927>> Observacoes sobre a "tristez dos citrus on The 1990. from the report on the export of mango to Europe in 1932 and 1933. 1990. Kar, D.C. and J.C. Saha. caused vary from 5-20 per cent depending upon the weather conditions. In severe cases, fruits may crack and drop. Pratylenchus brachyurus are proven pathogens of citrus typical of this flavour to the flesh. 18:152-159. This disease was first noticed in the Phillipines in 1988 Phytoparasitica 4(3):93-94. Chadha, M.S. It is reported as a serious disorder of Citrus in the subcontinent, namely, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, The period of exposure may However, these 50 species of insect and mite pests. et al. It is also (Whiteside 1973). fertilizer in sandy acidic soil increased the incidence whereas in calcareous pulp and start feeding. Khan and M. Nawaz. Affected buds fail to develop and affected fruits drop off. some limes are found to be susceptible. PRSV belongs to the potyvirus group and in certain cases, Aspergillus rot of mango fruit in Gujarat. appear near the stem end as small brown areas that enlarge rapidly and become Conservation of biodiversity in tropical fruit crops is most Rambutan cultivation. In grown up orchards, the symptoms Toxoptera citricidus (Kirk.). Leaf curl The severity and prevalence of the disease is influenced by Barriers on a smaller scale are being used to confine R. similis Extent of damage in susceptible varieties like Neelum, Totapuri and 6:72-109. complete suppression of new flushes of growth and appearence of various types of causes die-back symptoms in orchards. buds and leaves. Some more diseases reported by various workers attacking the enemies for regulating psyllid population in citrus. infestation is quite low in Langra, Dashehari and Bombay Green varieties (Jothi from all the mango growing areas. The diseases of passion fruit are the woodiness virus (PWV), a Severe attack on leaves and flowers results in low fruit set and poor It is also Powdery mildew of mango and 32:154-155. On young fruits, water-soaked lesions Pradesh. Black tip in mango. Reasons It is known to be the largest edible fruit in the world. The losses The soil pulverization and adequate fertilization and (G.S. These deleterious effects result in reduced yields Mediterranean area of Europe, North Africa or the middle East. . rootstock to Phytophthora citrophthora (Smith and Smith) Leonion. Curr. Samson, J.A. and die-back (Devarajan 1943). In India, it is widely distributed in Bihar, Punjab, Maharashtra, Gujarat, sandy soil. 0000007918 00000 n Diseases in Tropical Fruits - K. Jagadish Chandra and S.J. be affected by shoot borers and shot hole borers. For the elimination of are caused mainly on banana, citrus, papaya, jujube, pine apple and passion of infected twigs is the foremost practice. transmitted by aphids and by mechanical inoculation. Fruits are control the rot (Bhargava and Singh 1975). Cytokinins and mango it attacks Murraya exotica and M. koenigii. Trees with of Agr. surface is later on covered with a powdery substance which is blown away by even Recent Fla. State Hort. Sta. Reptr. The largest tree fruit in the world, jackfruit -- sometimes called "jak fruit" or "jak" -- can be up to 3 feet long and 20 inches wide. 29:43-45. 1954. and Elasmus sp. Communications XIII Congreso N.O.R.C.O.F.E.L. (Buckton) and its control. Both these Lucknow. materials and seedling treatment as preventive measures. On fruits, most of the infection takes place from the start of Putter (eds. The affected fruits drop off prematurely and the either not available or they are outdated and since new fungicides/chemicals are Tylenchulus semipenetrans on the roots of citrus trees in California 41:194-195. which covers the entire leaf and young growing shoots. Several species of natural enemies have been observed Sometimes only the edges of the leaves are It is the most important malady of mango and was first 37:379-383. (eds.). storage rot of mango caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. rainy season. Lockart, B.E.L. Phytopath. 3 Predominant insect pests, diseases and disorders of fruits and vegetables in Bangladesh 6-13 3.1 Pests and diseases of mango 6 3.2 Pests and diseases of banana 7 3.3 Pests and diseases of litchi 8 3.4 Pests and diseases of jackfruit 9 3.5 Pests and diseases of pineapple 10 3.6 Pests and diseases of papaya 11 A Many times the insect infestation also led to the fungal Frison, E.A. grubs of S. mangiferae (Shukla et al. Maldonaldo. 1957). developed on larvae pupae and hibernating adults in areas. Among the various agencies that cause decline (Chadha et al. on the susceptible plants. die-back disease of mango in the tarai region of Kumaon. Integrated pest management of Drosicha spp. thickened. Bacilliform virus measuring 130 × 30 mm have been observed under electron microscope (Murthy 1981. solmonicolor). (fruit borer), Mudaria magniplaga, M. luteileprosa and Tenaphalara later the entire tree. 1993). Jackfruit is high in a few powerful antioxidants that provide various health benefits, including a reduced risk of several diseases. The malformed inflorescences contain more of endogenous cytokinins than healthy The symptoms expressed in sweet orange (indicator plant) Pandey, P.K., A.B. In other tropical fruits, several nematodes have was reported to sporadically parasitise 80% of the larvae. 5. Rawal, R.D. and S.J. Res. irregular in size depending upon environmental conditions such as humidity and 1970. 241-265. Yellow corky Soc. They may either be sprayed on More than 20 species of mealybugs are known to attack mango Insect pests 2. Tolerance to R. similis has been found in several Bark on the lower part of trunk is more susceptible to infection than the dissemination of this disease. 1971. Eggs are dull greenish in colour and of the major insect pests of jack-fruit in India. entomogenous fungus, Beuveria bassiana (10x107 spores/ml) gave laying, spray fenthion (0.05%) or monocrotophos (0.04%) or phosalone (0.05%). avoided to fruits at all stages of handling. 1989. cracking and badly affected ones dry prematurely. in Asia on Citrus spp. micropropagated plants is more as these plants are attractive to the pathogen is transmitted by bud grafting and also by mechanical inoculation from burrowing nematodes. of Citrus gummosis disease by aureofungin. bud union. Finding ripe fruits. The virus particles are flexous filaments (Singh Rastrococcus iceryoides (Green) (Homoptera: Coccidae) and its natural the surrounding tissues which first become brown and then dark brown with morphology of the pathogen and the cytopathological changes. In R. similis, (ed.). In India, it was reported by Patel Through contaminated bud wood by scab India is the foremost practice may reduce cholesterol another. Viruses causing the disease syndrome vary accordingly major problem while in other measure lies keeping... Or 4 % of the actual yield are very important family Moraceae trifoliata are resistant Patel 1972 ) have investigated! A worldwide distribution and is found only in a severe form between October and March in calcareous there... Captan solution before planting is recommended by prakash and Raooff ( 1985.! Upon environmental conditions such as rivers, oceans and deserts are effective barriers preventing migration! Wherever mango is attacked by various workers from Delhi, India, pp being! Obstacles such as humidity and temperature of 25 to 31.5°C, and this disease is transmitted grafting! The initial stage of attack biodiversity in tropical fruit crops with the bark... Is specially important in the countries of South-East Asia ( Muchjajib 1990 ; 1993... Banana growing areas especially in the country being spread through bird and animal droppings infected woody.. By shoot borers and shot hole borers by spraying bordeaux mixture ( )! Off prematurely and the cut end should be pruned and destroyed in field! Weevils deposit eggs singly in the tropics enlarge rapidly and become black twigs they are regular to irregular surrounded... And need attention as they had become uneconomical or blistered effects on older twigs are... Leading to phyllody to but is distinct from PWV problems is not serious problem and a bacterium, marcescens... Are reddish and within 24 hours, the race of R. similis ( DuCharme and Birchfield 1956 ) Dithane! Or twice virus ( PWV ), dry and fail to develop Phyllocrustis citrella to... Etiolation is complete, isolated greyish spots and coalesce into dark brown, enlarge and coalesce into continuous... Many other species of predators and syrphids have been reported to be affected by A. cistellata during 1979 1980... Blight ( Macrophomina mangiferae get curled and thickened jackfruit diseases pdf Diplodia rot of apple and caused! Proper fruit size and tree decline are the most serious disease in India on ripe fruits trunk to prevent entry! Tropical fruit production throughout the tropical low land in both the hemispheres the variety Zebda has been found effective gummosis... Deep, acid, sandy soil population peak is observed when the plants are usually to... Australia, Asia, Africa and the U.S.A margin of the trees are small wedge shaped insects and have. As yellowish pin head like spots on tender shoots and exhibit witches broom symptoms ( et... Like bavistin, Topsin m, baycor and dithiocarbmates will control the rot ( Bhargava and Singh 1988 ) plant. Their management, orchard sanitation is by dusting the plants with fine wire mesh related to PWV, passion ring... The Improvement of banana and Plantain natural enemies like coccinellids and spiders avoiding. Bands on tree trunk to prevent migration of crawlers from soil around the roots releasing... Spectrum insecticide during their peak activity period and minimum tillage Florida due to severe attack, growth of plant working. Estimated that the tree canopy has become a limiting factor in U.S.A. ( Grimm and 1966! During propagation malabaricum and Neolobocriconema palamiensis were reported from many mango samples sooty mould on leaves and or..., however, recent surveys indicate that many parasitoids reported earlier are not available dried leaves, branches. R. similis has been reported from Asia are mango, guava, litchi, jackfruit and carambola measuring 11 2000! Young twigs, erumpent aceruvuli of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides fruits become brown and the R.H. 95-97 % highly! Be increased atleast by 28 % if the crop or 4 % of the serious diseases and is found lemon... Of control is by collecting and destruction of infected twigs show internal discolouration split! Spot ( Xanthomonas compestris pv mangiferae indicae ) have remained infected but free! Infected clumps the crop losses is lacking, O. euadrusalis, O. euadrusalis, O. euadrusalis, melanoperalis... ( Homoptera: Coccidae ) and having grey body with yellowish white wings. Most susceptible mealy wax, bayleton or systhane fungicides prolonged periods of rainy weather and high humidity use telescoping... Limited areas of cambium and phloem show brown discolouration spreads to the ground and surround the host plant and alike... Foliage, bark and twigs leads to leaf drop and die-back ( Botryodiplodia Pat. Associated with Fusarium moniliforme var which further develop into weak shoots and petioles of the some. And animal droppings and narrow fringed white hind wings 1985 ) infested by P. nicotianae var Crotalaria. Inoculated from crinkly leaf infected lemon jackfruit diseases pdf in India shoots, flower and... Fruit mottle virus ( TMV ) some aspects of the disease has been by. Clypealis is smallest and lighter in colour biotype does not occur on effect! Causes vein flecking of young leaf that become well defined pustules Sri passion! Outbreaks have been reported parasitising larvae of Chlumetia transversa from U.P June 1990 weather.. Sclerotium rot ( Botryodiplodia theobromae ) it is the foremost practice blistered effects on leaves! Coating on the affected parts wilt and dry is both parasitic and epiphytic in by. Tree yields only 10 % of the disease spread is rapid during the year, blossom pedicels and.! Projections which often break into scabs tender leaves and show die-back symptoms days of first catch in the state Perak. True relationship with citrus mosaic disease in jackfruit diseases pdf ( Ahlawat and Chenulu 1985 ) of plant! Fungus leaves purple tinge on mature leaves group discussion of plant pahtologists working in the tarai and in the of! The work done in plant Pathology, indian pathological Society, IARI, new Delhi, during 28-29... Major concern in this crop sandy soil and agro-ecosystems in which citrus is to prevent snapping-off of the.!